
Less seizing power, more training the heir in how to actually govern and handle diplomacy and the workings of the court.

I’m honestly expecting him to rage stroke one of these days. Being that angry all the time along with subsisting on red meat and KFC isn’t healthy.

Part of it is that as the more moderate members of the Left moved closer to the Right, the Right would nudge itself a little more towards the Right partially for the sake of ideological purity and changes in GOP strategy.

The GOP platform relies upon fear. Most of these folks out in the rural areas don’t have much and fear losing what they do have. The GOP trots in with the idea of an “other” in the form of the left, who they claim through their mouthpieces and cohorts want to take what they have from them and give it to everyone else

Most people lack military or law enforcement training to know how to react in those situations.

I’m concerned that this constant haranguing of the press in these briefings combined with the political climate being created in this administration is going to cause someone to snap.

They’d never vote for it but they should have to pay for their healthcare and be forced to live with the same mess that their constituents have to do they can get a taste of their own medicine.

While I doubt that he was able to collude we do know a few things:

Now playing

He’s the IRL version of Zapp Brannigan from Futurama.

Any minute now O’Neill is going to walk up and start cracking wise at the Midgard Serpent.

Mount & Blade over on the PC is the closest equivalent, this is more of a AAA-style RPG in the same vein.

I want to see Agent Orange testify under oath simply for the enjoyment of him perjuring himself fifteen minutes after giving his testimony by tweeting.

This isn’t a bad thing. If the guy doesn’t have experience in the field of Constitutional law and can’t mount a competent defense that’s all the better for us.

Premium Rounds are about four times more expensive than standard rounds so if a standard AP or HE round costs 240 credits to resupply, a premium APCR or HEAT round will cost 4800 credits to resupply.

There’s the offhand chance that the GOP can still use their control of the presidency, house, and senate to push their agenda through. As long as they have the potential to do that they’ll ignore and attempt to spin away any treason or conflicts of interest that they can.

No, Trump will probably resign before any of that happens and will go on to write a book about how the Fake Media framed him. The members of the GOP who were complicit will carry on and the unfortunate fall guy that they choose will do a stint in Club Fed.

The House just passed a law that does away with time-and-a-half for overtime. Companies can now give paid time off instead

Shiny, let’s be bad guys.

It may be possible that they’re selling higher-margin vehicles like the XC90 and XC60 to fewer customers instead of just having raw volume. Or sales in China and other markets are better to make up the difference?