Dr. Strangegun

“One thing I know for a fact is that wind can’t ever push you faster than it is going. I mean, you can tack a sailboat and technically go faster than your tailwind”

MUCH faster. Let’s take a look at a gliding aircraft and then turn the situation sideways. A given aircraft has a 70mph optimal glide speed and can go

In likely minutes before someone patents a fold-up bed rack with over-cab support that solves everyone’s plywood and ladder questions for $499......

Perhaps, but that demo is apparently the pasty moneyed white youth of the region...  are you assuming only black folk want to squat cars?

Because he automatically assumed that only black people want to do this to their car, which is anecdotally false given other comments.

Where do the headlights point?

Scrap this law and pass “No non-commercial vehicle shall be driven when the driver’s seated position does not have a) a clear line of sight to a point 25 feet directly ahead of the driver, with the car on level ground, or b) a line of sight to a 5 foot tall object touching the front bumper.

You have just eliminated

1 - This manner of expose gives those who would silence you the ammunition to do so easily, quietly, and quickly, because:
2 - the accusations have been presented in such a manner to be actionable (seriously, send this to your legal department and ask them who gets served first, and if that travels up the chain).


“Well, now what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to go inside, powder my nose, and start lighting fires in all the trash cans until my keys show up.”

I’ll describe my biggest wrenching mistake as follows:
-“Almost done, let’s check it”
-cranking noises, loud pops for the exhaust manifold not being attached
-wiggling of the distributor
-more cranking
-more wiggling, shot of WD40 in the throttle body
-crank crank crank
-crank crank ‘it’s trying’
-crank poof WHOOOOOSH

No, depending on how the actuating cable is configured to balance, he might have been screwed for the parking brake as well. The lever on the side with the missing drum has nothing to stop it’s motion and there may not be enough throw in the brake handle to get the other side to grab.

I stripped off one cable end at

Calling it now; next season there’s a backup gun in the pits with a specially designed extraction socket on it. Most may never need it, and it’ll ruin any wheel nut it touches, but no team will ever get hung out like this again.

EDIT: Also surprised that a fresh cold chisel and a drilling hammer weren’t in anyone’s

Well, I say, that Thar is a hot take.

Present; ‘03 GMC Sonoma, regular cab 2.2l 5 speed. TinyTruck.

305,000 miles, still runs like a top. I give it at least 20 miles every day...

Long March Core Booster uses Liquid Oxygen and Kerosene. Are these major carcinogens?”

Kerosene. Domestic Chinese kerosene. How much benzene you think’s in that mix?

Briefly daydreamed about retractable drag planes on a ship’s hull, and then thought a little deeper and realized deploying the things would rip the ship apart, because they’re basically bubbles of steel floating on the water.

NASCAR has always been heavily biased to mechanical grip, so instead of avoiding the wall to keep aero functioning, they “break” aero and let the air spilling off the right hand side of the splitter blow into the gap and produce a side force that lets them ‘un-steer’ and knock off a little of the slip angle.

Too close

It’s a city car for Melbourne, Australia. He can cross the entire city a couple times before needing juice...

Probably did it to have all the sensors in place and a handy spot to attach the axle shafts. Just because you have a selectable transmission doesn’t mean you can’t simply leave it in 4'th/direct or whatever’s closest.

So.... there’s a lower parking position below the stop position while in operation.

Why not just use a swashplate on the wiper arm hub with a little roller on the panel, and a dip in the plate in the lowest off position so the panel closes when the wipers are parked? Hinge the panel at the front and you direct a

Multilayer firesuits, closed helmets, and very likely the sheer luck of not burning through the fresh air hose too quickly and not pulling hot gasses through that system. Looking at the video, as he was coasting along the flames were being kept off the air system but still around his right side, and he was only fully