Dr. Strangegun

I don’t have that option, ring/pinkie flexion tied together on tendons. If I want to “3" it’s either ring/pinkie down (thumb/ind/mid) or mid/ring/pinkie up.

And it’s the same for a lot of people out there.

I... *brainstorm*....
It’s probable there isn’t enough going on here to warrant it, but it seems to me someone might come up with the right diameter of polyurethane-filled tire on a wheel with a multi or slot pattern setup, and end up with “storage wheels” that are just for rolling projects around and sitting without

Apparently sometimes EV stands for Erectile Validation.

... seriously?

1 - some automatics can be push started, they’re just rare because they require “extra” parts

2 - You may or may not find it difficult to push-start some later (post-96) GM vehicles with manual transmissions. My ‘02 Sonoma 2.2L absolutely *refuses* to fire the engine unless the starter was engaged immediately prior, to

It’s only a burning question if the seats are vinyl and the sun is shining.

Pretty sure this ChangLi doesn’t have ball joints....

Why would it require self-searching, Richard and his chief Dale Inman used to leave good tires, engine parts, etc. specifically for Wendell Scott (the first black NASCAR driver) to ensure he stayed competitive. That was in the 1960's and the “uncivil cost” would have been a hell of a lot higher for Petty and co...

Sayeth NASCAR: Just don’t use the ones that’ll spray a gallon of gas everywhere if someone drop-kicks it with their bumper in the pit stall, aight?

Clever, this one.

I think I’ll listen to some nice apolitical music... hrmm... Let’s Rage!
“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses”
No, no no... ah, Beatles!
If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet”
Dammit! Maybe.... how about some Metallica then.
“Halls of justice painted green,

That’s a shame.

Not the S-10, you missed the point.
The Rampage is transverse front wheel drive, but still has a solid axle on leaf springs. You don’t need to alter the existing driveline at all to add a driven axle in the back and tuck the motor in the... exhaust tunnel, I suppose I’d call it since it’s there without a transmission.

Sounds like a job for a Dodge Rampage. Keep the basic FWD gas drivetrain, swap a small axle in at the rear, electric motor in the “trans” tunnel, short driveshaft to connect, batteries on a set of rails in the bed with two custom carts in the pits. Pit, slide out on the cart, slid in from the other cart, go.

If you

No body cam? No qualified immunity.

Someone could repower an H body with a Mazda rotary and it wouldn’t technically be wrong.

That’s the sheetmetal and bad aerodynamics method to keeping the rear window clean, versus an electric wiper. It breaks the ‘bubble’ behind the car that keeps dust and road crap swirling around the tailgate.

Well, given they made 2 million Vegas alone not counting the other marques, seven bucks per unit is 14 million dollars saved.

Goes a little way to offset the 50 million dollars GM wasted in getting licenses to produce wankel rotary engines...

I usually drive around with 2 quarts of oil because my GM product, an ‘03 Sonoma 2.2 with 296,000 miles on it, uses 3 quarts.

A year. 3 quarts a year*, I didn’t say that wrong. I keep oil because some day, it’s going to start leaking and I want to get somewhere to do something about it before running dry.

*when roaming

Congratulations! You’ve just discovered what the NASCAR world has known about for decades... except they fill the trailing low-pressure areas with other cars.
Tweak the Cd/frontal enough to sustain 190mph with a restricted ~550hp and cutting that wake drag is enough to add 5-10mph. That’s why restrictor plate races are