You can directly anagram ‘Love Rod’, however.
You can directly anagram ‘Love Rod’, however.
I’d prefer the Irish guy too, but I’d probably also prefer he cut the lead time down to a few seconds rather than announce a corner we’ll get to in 2 minutes....
But... you should be doing this anyways, this is just normal horizon scanning defensive driving on fast-forward.
If HD wants to revive something with the new electric platforms, I think they should look at some of the things Dan Gurney tried.
Basically the seat was sunk behind the engine and tank... an interesting idea.
GreatySix? Nah.
...who the fuck are these people?
Bagotville has crossed runways of 10K and 6K feet, intersecting around the middle. Montreal has roughly the same length but parallel. Why is this important?
Because landing an aircraft with damaged landing gear requires a FOD sweep. With Bagotville that possibly closes the entire airport until completed. You also don’t…
Apnea can drive your blood pressure to lethal levels.
White, older than 30. Did not know of Frankie Beverly.
Nobody showed me.
My LN2 2.2/NV1500 combo is nearing 300,000 miles.
Actually ate the axle first... engine and trans have never been opened, clutch was actually still good at 230K miles when the bellhousing hydraulics went out and I had it changed anyways.
With the steering angles involved I don’t think that’s technically a death wobble.
I think the steering box has partly or fully detached from the frame, which IIRC is something that’s apt to happen with rust and age.
Well, Drew... you buy it and try to fix it up asbestos you can.
What I gather from watching the mindset of Russians in ‘amateur media’... nobody’s under any impression that some other guy can actually improve things for them, so they just sit back and stick with the guy that actually makes them feel good... perhaps proud, to be Russian. Even hollow emotions are emotions.
“Henry Ford didn’t think people needed any other color than black.”
Henry Ford had a product that was selling so quickly in such numbers that the only paint process they had (during that monochrome time span) that could be applied and be dry for delivery and still look like paint, was black lacquer.
Got traffic lights? Don’t worry about passing people... just time the lights.
The gains you get on a moderate length trip from timing traffic lights is multiples of what you can get from driving 5 or even 10 over the limit.
“devoid of feedback when you’re not in the ST..”
NASCAR can do whatever they want with the current feeder and cup series, but what they should do is introduce a new series:
NASCAR Classics. Take the engineering time to come up with a roll cage/chassis roller that fits under the sheetmetal of pretty much any body allowed in the series from 1960 to 1980, and allow…
Ah, VW Golf Cart.
Only thing bad about the suspension is the rear being leaf sprung. The front setup is (or was) nearly ubiquitous in the street rod scene, to the point that you can pretty much do anything you want with it, and the driveline is just Ford... put together whatever you want from whatever era. And the bonus with the II…
Reading comprehension... was saying the Ridgeline was *not* saddled with the super-stiff suspension that the 4-ton haulers have.