Queue up to cue up.
Queue up to cue up.
Having to google some things because it’s been a while since I thought of this...
I’d start with a Factory Five ‘33 coupe kit. I know it’s technically not a ‘swap’ but it’s close enough.
I’d then modify a FWD engine to longitudinal operation, manual transmission, and try to retain all the accessories needed (notably,…
Simple solution. Rules stay as they are, except to be ejected from a game seizes the pay for that game (calculated or direct) and directs it straight into the... whatever the NFL calls that extended pension and CTE research organization they have.
Turn a bad hit into a wallet hit. Eventually if you can’t afford to do…
Yeah... no mental context, no time at that point for research, and only memories of lots and lots of Rochester carburetors (shudder).
If Roger Smith did something a little more exciting like collecting nose candy, GM’s past would be VERY DIFFERENT.
I’m going to NP it, seems in good condition and isn’t saddled with the 4.1L engine (where any given one may actually be cast hard soap, and not aluminum). Niche car, convertible, V8 even though it drives the wrong wheels, decent shape... yeah, actually seems priced well.
I’d pick the one I can see out of...
Oh my god.
The first time I’ve seen a junk product that might actually *work*....
Goddammit. The man was a treasure...
Uh, my ‘84 Thunderbird was CFI... and I know it was available earlier.
Was Chevrolet that slow?
Ok, maybe not. I got ahold of some misinformation. The lady in the back seat is all on them, however, there’s no mistaking that area as a seat.
Briefly had a ‘69 F100 with exactly those attributes.
With the exception of missing a highway turnoff once because the 60mph stopping distance was roughly 1000' and I started at 750, and the engine attempting to hop out of the bay when reversed a little too roughly, it was a surprisingly easy vehicle to get along…
You’d *think* you can see all the corners... I had a ‘79 Lincoln Mark V. Unless you bowed up in the seat you almost couldn’t see the hood, and the rear 3/4 views were black holes.
Equivalent to Mexican tapwater?
Uh, no. Not only does the car still meet federal safety regulations for it’s year of production, but the lack of modern restraints is plainly visible to everyone involved, who at *any* time could have refused the trip or asked to stop.
Kudos to the judge who wads this case into a ball and throws it directly at the…
Why not take a look at what both Rolls-Royce and GE have said about the matter. It’s straight from the horses mouth, even if it’s not the most believable concept.
Yeah, but if that hole’s been open/unsealed for a couple days you wouldn’t have bought it either.
The BMW symbol anywhere on the vehicle is the indicator.
My understanding is that they were frozen in, 10" worth for a few days. That’s up to the chassis and you’ll be finding water in places you’d never expect it to be after that, as the ice will approach the warmer car surfaces, trap pockets, and hydraulically push it through places you wouldn’t believe.
Same process in…
... well, the link has ‘in front’ in it, so the article wasn’t changed; did you miss they’re talking about the very front of the housing, the intake edge, or are you talking about the spiral on the spinner?
The spiral is rather important so painting that is worth the risks.
The spiral.... birds hate it. Birds and…