
Say what you will about the lack of rings, he was the hardest working man in professional sports for a decade and he used that massive ass and tree trunk thighs to do as he pleased.

A lot of NBA teams choose not to crash the boards with their guards, prioritizing transition defense (which he didn’t do either, but the point stands). And a team with an offensive rebounder as tenacious as Drummond definitely doesn’t need a PG to crash.

Nothing will ever be as good as Shaq’s repeated backward butt-thrust leaps without ever dribbling...

“You take an aspirin, I take an aspirin, it might give you extreme side effects of illness and your body … may reject it, where I would be fine. Of course, not everyone agrees. Some even object to calling horse tranquilizers ‘aspirin’.”

He makes a strong point. Everybody thinks Aspirin is harmless. But I remember one time I took an Aspirin and ended up driving erratically with briefcase with $29,000 in cash and a bunch of bottles of Aspirin. I was even charged with a DUI. They need to put a warning label on that stuff.

Am I the only person reading all this about crafting items and just feeling dead inside?

I've read this article twice, and I don't get the joke. Is there something being lost in translation here?

Loved being able to hot-swap party members during the fights in FFX. Swapping between constantly to take advantage of weaknesses and attempt to set up devastating combos.

Chrono Cross’s battle system, while good in it’s own way, was a HUGE departure from Chrono Trigger. In fact, calling Chrono Cross a sequel is kind of a stretch if you’ve actually played it.

Valkyrie Profile. Think I’ve played through it in its entirety three times, not counting all the times I’ve started a new game+. Rarely have I felt so invested in a games world or the characters in it. Not to mention the artistic achievements they managed. There’s sprite animations there that won’t be topped again,

CBS having Barkley cover a sport he clearly hates is inexplicable and I hope they never change.

I believe the leaker is a low-level intern that goes by the name Barles. Barles Charkley.

Yes! I actually came here to comment on the little walk-through of the Fire Cavern FFVIII came with. A completely separate item from the instruction manual. How incredible that was to hold and read when I bought that game.

shin megami tensei iv’s was the best, it came with a mini guidebook that covered like 1/2 of the game..and the paper quality was superb..

Agreed. Paper manuals ruled.

This will not happen. Showing my child something from Bleacher Report is the type of evidence my ex-wife needs to regain custody.

It’s a simple question. If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself?

Yeah I would do anything to get this game made

No kidding, he took the money and ran.

Man, that Steve Miller is no Joker