you gotta leave something for the DLC. Wait...
you gotta leave something for the DLC. Wait...
If the Republicans get their way, it will be again soon. And anyhow, if you live anywhere else in the developed world, this wouldn't have been an issue for a long time now. Everyone else understands that a healthy work force makes for a stronger economy.
Yeah, don't just kill it.
Take your time with it, because when you finally finish the game, you're gonna freak out that SC isn't out yet.
Simply, Second Evolution fixes all of this. It is the PSP version of Star Ocean 2 with a lot of touch up. That said the Announcer from the arena screenshot is a misleading attempt to make it look bad. That IS how you may often see an announcer speak in an RPG for a coliseum win. They talk with flare and emphasis on…
No. Just no.
No RPG has eaten up as much of my youth as Star Ocean 2. Although it was released in the golden age of JRPGs, it had several key features which made it stand out from the rest:
Are Star Ocean 2's positive traits really enough to get you past the horrendous dialogue?
Star Ocean 2. I've been eagerly awaiting for you to get to this game ever since I saw it on the list. Star Ocean 2 is one of my all time favorite RPGs. I've probably played all the way through it 4 or 5 times, including the PSP version remaster.
I've got to call bullshit on this. The game faults are outweighed exponentially by it's awesome soundtrack, unique fighting game play, amazing crafting system, not to mention the 80+ unique endings depending on your choices. Compared to the first Star Ocean it's not as good but it still is one of the best JRPGS of the…
What a treat of nostalgia, thanks for the article Jason.
Final Fantasy VII: short, sweet, wondrous, and launches seamlessly right into the gameplay. A new era of video gaming began:
This isn't even a question.
This was not my first RPG - that honor goes to the Quest for Glory series (which might have been more adventure game than RPG, but I digress). It was, however, the game that made me an RPG fan. I make comics now. I'm a professional storyteller, and I have to credit a lot of early inspiration to want to tell stories…
FF VI was the first "real" RPG I ever played. My friend & I were sure that the big 3-party fight with Kefka, about 4 hours in on a normal playthrough, had to be the end of the game. Turns out, that was essentially the tutorial.
Having played all three of them, I'm not sure WHY exactly Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia didn't win me over as much as Soul Blazer did, but they just didn't. It's been years since I've played any of the three and while I can't remember a single thing about either of the former two, I can remember Soul Blazer…
Beat me to it! He totally looks like McGruff. :)
I'm still not entirely sure who Annie is or how she died. I probably would've led with that.
I was thinking the same thing. Very disjointed, like you said, and the constant breaks made it tough to follow.