
I didn't love it or really overly like it. The story was okay, one of the characters was interesting, and the gameplay was abysmally slow and boring.

Seriously, that series was GREAT. I would love to see more.

for the past 20 years i wished somebody would make a modern day rpg set in a real world city with guns and real weapons instead of magic. still waiting. some have guns but none have had all the elements i long for.

God, they even nailed the sound effects. This is perfect. I wish Square still made games like this, even just as a side thing in addition to their big $100 million projects.

But if anybody wants that challenge, they can just leave the sliders alone.

For people like me who suck at that kind of thing and then end up throwing consoles through windows, who just want to play the story and not stress about the game—why am I even playing a game if it's going to aggravate me as much as work and

Now playing

The 1980s Canadian band, Saga, could not be reached for comment.

I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.

Yeah, I don't get it. This image is objectively ugly — even if you don't mind the sprite, or the realistic 3D city model, the contrast between the two is aesthetically unpleasing.

There's no costume DLC, microtransactions or major game breaking, console destroying bugs either. Also no framedrops!!!

I'm happy Kotaku has you. You act like a counterweight to the gaming tastes of the others in the team. While the others like more these gritty corridor games you seem to like more colorful and alternative genres. It's good to have diversity.

hahaha- pretty good Jason. Although, this hardly qualifies as an intellectual enough post to count for "Random Encounters".

Wait, WHAT? So to sum up, their three-step plan is:

Internal harddrive is replaceable, and it likely has a backup and restore feature similar to the PS3 so transferring stuff to the new drive won't be too much of a hassle.

Hope this helps.

So either lives have no impact on the game, and the DLC/pre-order bonus is pointless because it means nothing, or lives matter, and my earlier point stands. The DLC is atrocious either way.

You know, I'm thinking about this, and I'd say that yeah, this is worse than Tales DLC. Having the option to spend real money on levels/gold in a Tales game is pretty awful, in the sense that it could subliminally encourage the designers to make the game more grindy in order to get you to play, but that's not the only

The entire casting decision is just part of a giant scheme devised to fuck over Trivial Pursuit.

Sounded crap through my headphones too. Both quality and actual voices.

The play station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet. Its defenses are designed around a direct, large-scale assault. A small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense.