
Today, Square Enix gave us our longest look yet at Final Fantasy XV, a game that I now believe actually exists and will come out within the next two years.

Private mortgage insurance when you buy a house? The insurance everyone says to avoid getting if you can? Anything that protects us when he loses his job, or takes care of bills when he's out of work, I welcome with open arms at this point.

My son was recently diagnosed with Autism, is severely ADHD, and has a heart condition. He's been put on a six month cardiologist schedule so he can be watched for surgery, because his heart defect is deteriorating faster than it should be. We always knew he would need this surgery, but he wasn't supposed to need it

I'd like to repeat that–I need to get my daughter therapy to help with the trauma and stress from all of these moves, but I'm afraid to because I'm terrified she'll become attached to her therapist, and we'll have to move again.

I really can't put into words how excited and relieved we were. He was finally working for a truly stable company who had been around since the beginning. They were amazing to us, and they made sure we were all taken care of and covered by insurance in time for the baby to be born, and tried to make sure we didn't

I think there is a difference between being fired, and let go for cause- either way the coverage goes through the end of the month if the premium was paid.

At least now the insurance thing wont be as big of an issue.

It is often hard to keep on top of all the rpg news that comes out in a week (you know how life gets in the way)- so having a centralized location for that is helpful. Kotaku is not exactly the easiest place to keep track of news as lots of posts go up quickly and not all of them are on gaming. I also like that there

"I've played about five hours of the game so far...when everyone else at Kotaku was obsessing over Animal Crossing last year, I just couldn't play it for more than a couple of hours"

Seems odd to say you can play this game way more than the couple of hours you could with animal crossing after playing only 5 hours.

Only Noctis- guess FF is having Zelda envy?

Above: a new look at the Monster Hunter-ish Final Fantasy Explorers, which will feature adorable little Cloud and Squall costumes and could be super-fun to play with groups of friends. No word on whether it's coming to the U.S.

Point & Click adventure games!

2016. Think about that. The game announced on May 6, 2006 might not be out until close to May 6, 2016. And every year, expectations grow higher. Ten years in development? This had better be good. Even putting aside whatever development struggles the folks at Square Enix must be going through, ten years is an insane

Look at that last line one more time. "If Final Fantasy XV doesn't do well, perhaps there's not much of a future for console games." Even if Tabata is over-reaching—even if he's just referring to the future of Square Enix and not of the Japanese industry as a whole—that is an inordinate amount of pressure. The people

First Light tells the story of Abigail "Fetch" Walker, the young woman we first met in Infamous: Second Son. Fetch is a conduit, the Infamous world's version of an X-Men mutant—blessed with a superhuman ability and persecuted by the government and the civilian population alike. Fetch has the power to control neon,

Go find it! #screenshots_needed

Isn't this so early in the story that it is part of the tutorial? And at that point in the west, I wouldn't bet that many hadn't played RPGs like this before.

OK, Star Ocean 2 defenders. Tell me why I'm wrong. What do you like about this game? Are Star Ocean 2's positive traits really enough to get you past the horrendous dialogue?

Looks pretty unique and an interesting idea- I'd be in.

Great cut scenes for its time too.

If you adjust for year & technology, then FF8 or FF7. 8's was better but 7 changed the game, that opening sequence redefined video games.