The human element to these type of stories can be heartbreaking.
The human element to these type of stories can be heartbreaking.
I mean, just picture it: imagine a veritable buffet of PlayStation games from the last three generations, streaming and playable whenever you want, all for, say, $20/month. Maybe you can only rent a couple of games at a time—or maybe you can only rent a few games every month—but instead of paying exorbitant prices for…
Part of the issue is that now those things are ubiquitous but back when it came out they were novel.
Women aren't allowed to play Hearthstone in one upcoming multi-national tournament, and the gender discrimination has triggered a great deal of controversy this morning.
Soul Blazer is the first game in what is affectionately referred to as the "Quintet trilogy," named after the long-defunct Japanese studio known for making some pretty great action-role-playing games. The next two games in the series, Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma, are far more interesting. Soul Blazer is the worst…
Didn't this just come out last year? #FF13-3LR ...
so not related to xenoblade chronicles, but related to xenoblade and xenosaga?
p.s. Jason, anyway to get a library style "rental" deal on these or a way to get a deal on some of these?
This would be awesome if it were actual homework. I am guessing for SO2 he means the PSP version?
Good read- well done Jason.
Says the guy who was all about FF13-3 LR! Hahahahaha.
No recency effect in these results huh...
Does this belong on RE? I think your statement is too strong to limit it to a sub-topic about JRPGs.
Agree'd I thought it was a very slow game. The world was cool, but it was a long slow build up and then a not very satisfying ending.
How old is "old"? We talking ps1 and before or just SNES and before?
I would suggest Secret of Mana or Lunar Eternal Blue
So, I'm curious... what do you think of this trailer? Post all thoughts below.
For all I know she has never told him and never will, or in the extreme case has told him the truth but in small detail and limited knowledge. I held back and am ashamed for being stuck in this downward spiral. I only drink alcohol and now alcohol either helps me or it doesn't, a small seed of guilt every time I drink…
This? This counts as a RE weekly post? ...why not just give all the characters a score? #letdown - hahahahaha.
Pretty sure it was intentional or it wouldn't have been published that way, just saying that myself (and appearently others) found it too disjointed and I (we) think it might have been better/more effective if it wasn't.