Imagine if this were an actual game?
Imagine if this were an actual game?
That's right—today's column is a podcast. Listen right here:
Disney bought LucasFilm—the creators of both Indiana Jones and Star Wars—last fall, but they didn't have full ownership of the franchise. Now here's hoping for a sequel to Fate of Atlantis...
worst part of this game is that you have to have squall in your party...
hahaha- pretty good Jason. Although, this hardly qualifies as an intellectual enough post to count for "Random Encounters".
How do Super Nintendo sprites from 1994 look so much more layered and interesting and detailed than iOS sprites from 2013? We need an intervention, Square Enix. This is getting out of hand.
slow clap for you Jason, well done!
I heard the GOP say it was Obama's fault!
FF13's battle theme
so true the YLOD is & was BRUTAL.
With only a 500g hard drive, and mandatory instillation of games that will take 40gb- how is ps4 going to have a work around for someone who wants to have more than 10 games? I heard no expansion for memory available either...
How does he have culpability? Shouldn't they be upset with the sender not the receiver?
Should also factor in what your time is worth, by adding that missed opportunity to make money or do something. Even if your time is worth $10 an hour than COD costs $11 an hour to play 2 hours a week.
When I play an RPG, I don't want cyphers; I want people. I want personalities. I want to go on an adventure with people who have motivations and flaws and conflicts and relationships, and I want to see how they evolve—both narratively and mechanically—as they overcome the obstacles along their way. I want to see Cecil…
Hey Pokémon Company, have you considered that maybe, just maybe, Magikarp might get stronger if he had some more confidence, which he'll never develop because you guys call him weak and pathetic every chance you get?
You should ask Jason Schreier about this same thing that happened in JRPGs...
It's impossible to escape the influence of Charles Darwin: even if you've never paid attention in class, his theory of evolution has influenced everything from science to pop culture—including, yes, the highly popular Pokemon games.
stupidest name & on an old almost out of date system
Isn't Jason already taken?