boom. truth, that voice acting was horrid.
boom. truth, that voice acting was horrid.
Some staffers tried to push back—they’d spent over two years working under an entirely different vision—but Lucas and his team of executives wouldn’t reconsider. They wanted a game with Boba in it. On top of that, according to two people familiar with the project, 1313’s developers were prohibited from talking about…
well just from a consumer's perspective...
I was waiting for Bale's "I'm Batman" at the 43seconds when she whips in those stupid sunglasses (that she is wearing at night).
The real problem is the ESRB isn't transparent enough: the reviewers are unknown, the rating process is an mystery, if you don't agree with what they say- what can you do? If you "misrepresent" your game, you get fined or your product recalled.
You can get an AO rating for having gambling...
So odd, this and seeing her in Cloud's clothes is just awkward.
Exhibit A: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, a dress-up sim with RPG elements that's out for PS3 and 360 in February. I'm psyched about this one—what I've played so far seems quite promising.
You mean Carlos Danger & Greg Oden are going to be in video games????
For context, that's about 5.6 Atluses. Or 800 million McDonalds dollar meals.
Where is Wolverine?
Let's track gamers, that will really get to the heart of the problem, but allow people with checkered gun pasts to continue to own guns.
someone needs to take statistics, because "buy" and "don't buy" make up an ordinal variable.
Yeah, it is solely a convenience thing.
It is just a dichotomous score, 1 or 0... still a score.
How does a linear transformation of the original scale chance anything?
This sounds a lot like the argument from the post-modernists about using quantitative methodology in the social sciences- as if attempting to measuring something somehow devalues the experience.
Is this a nod to Jim Rome? not a huge fan of him.
the only fault I find with this is, that most of the time the reviewer recommends playing it. I wonder what the rate is for "stay away from this game".
He shouldn't.