
Wow- this was an awkward video, just watch her face during this...


Over 4million and the most common ones only occur at rates of around 200-> that is incredible diversity. It is almost not even worth reporting these modal names, especially when compared relatively to the entire universe of names.

they will probably be MMF2P ones...

Could not agree more, in fact I used to refer to them as "console RPGs" to avoid that.

yeah- after I kept reading I saw that, so I went back and had nothing else to put... so it ended up being "hmmm"


options for mac?

no strawberries & walnuts on the salad?

you forgot to work in "to" in your sentence... it should've been.

TO put TWO meticulously's in one sentence is TOO much.

Why not just list 108 reasons Suikoden 2 needs to come to PSN?

It would be better sans actors and play off their strength of the computer animated stuff.

def. post the link when you find it.

The only question I would have is- No Star Ocean?

Well, again you have failed to show why 13 needs 13-3LR to be a complete story. This is what my original statement said, and I was pointing that out. No one said that 13-2 doesn't need 13-3, because it clearly does.

The only shame is that you have to own 6 systems to play them all?
(SNES, PS, Genesis, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3)

Nothing in 13 necessitates 13-3LR. Even when you talked about it- you only talk about 13-2 needing a finale.

Who knew it was pronounce "n-ex"?

When it comes down to it, the best definition I could come up with was this: It's not so much about whether or not the game is good (though that helps). It's about whether the game makes you feel like, as a fan of Star Wars, you're getting to do and learn some cool Star Wars shit.