
People bitch about how easy diablo III can be, but I know more women that play it than any other game out there right now. It's got ease of play, stuff to collect, random events out the wazoo, and very nice looking artwork (even on the consoles). Sure, the story can be seen as weak, but I haven't played another game

Diablo 3. I told my brother ( who played a tiny bit of 2 a long time ago) that it was essentially Gauntlet with loot and he didn't believe me at first. I popped the 360 version in and we went to town. Blew his mind even more when I told him it could do 4 player couch coop, and when played over live you didn't have to

I was a big fan of FF Crystal Chronicles, because the menus were on your attached 3DSes. Now imagine the potential Nintendo has with the Wii U, since there's already 1 controller and pretty much all Nintendo fans have 3DSes, so it'd be much more doable now than in the GC days. I really want something like it.

I remember playing the first game with my wife and the splitscreen wasn't too bad and it was still 1000 times better than playing by myself.

You forgot about sports games! NHL is my personal favorite. Play on the same team in which one person is locked at center, while the other is everyone else. The center controls the lines as well. Switch roles every game.

I wish devs focused more on local co-op games, or at least consider putting functionality towards it again.

Replace "list" with "comment," and you've got my response to your comment.

Red Dead Redemption. End of discussion.

As long as his motor wasn't built by Renault, he should be fine.

Another Jalopnik cross-post? Enough already.

Not Egyptians.

Canada will always be the best hockey nation.


Alaska is where you go when you've faked your own death, or are opening up multiple clandestine meth labs.

Now playing

I agree. I get bored of most other games, but I always come back just about every day for another game of LoL. Love playing as Blitzcrank! :)


Why is anyone surprised to see Gannon looking dark and serious with Link and Zelda nearby?

I've been playing a lot of Payday 2 recently, and Steam recommended I search for games with the tag "Bag Throwing Simulator." Gotta admit, I had a good laugh.

I strongly dislike games designed for children and housewives. I only play hardcore games on my XBOX ONE because I am a real gamer.

Actually, if you know Torin's story, you know his parents were both laid off during the recession, they had financial difficulty as a family, and Torin's success at the X Games and jump to the pro level was to help his family put food on the table. Don't let stereotypes fool you.