Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.
Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.
lol, the only thing i can’t believe is that you wasted all that time writing that out.
Very misinformed. Croats are catholic and Serbs are orthodox. Yugoslavian war started between two of them and Bosnia got later pushed into their war.
False trichotomy.
There really is a benefit, in a democracy, to working towards a society that takes seriously the concerns of marginalized groups, and refuses to depict or celebrate offensive caricatures and stereotypes, or otherwise accept racism in any form. And you can confirm this by asking just about any non-white person in our…
They’ll be here shortly to belittle this victory with cynicism.
This is wonderful news. .
Your question is basically a case of “an idea that sounds good on paper but doesn’t work in reality”. It would essentially require remaking the game from the ground up, which is way more expensive a process than most (especially us small time indies) are willing (or realistically able) to spend on such a thing.
It’s just not the same unless I’m perpetually pressing forward on the joystick and occasionally pressing a button....
I used to be angry a lot, too, and had problems keeping it under control. I took a class and got a lot better at handling myself and focusing my anger in constructive ways. I recommend it.
It’s “endearing” because he’s white.
It can be two things.
Whut. No one likes Circus as much as Sky Valley and Blues.
No write-up on the greatest series in MLS history? I thought you guys liked soccer here.
The title didn’t imply any reason for not leaving his house. The title is fine. Get a life.
Maybe someone who actually read and understood the article should provide the synopsis.