
My lady friend finally watched A New Hope for the first time yesterday after a review on Wired convinced her that she could still enjoy it despite having never grown up with it.

You’d certainly think that, right? Most people who glorify the King James Bible have an answer to that, though: they claim that the KJB was a divinely inspired translation, on par with (or even superior to) the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic versions. It’s holy in a way that no other English translation can be...

It’s an old school thing - English used to capitalize all nouns, and a lot of the hard core religious types are deeply into reading things like the King James Bible in their original format.

Came to make sure somebody said this, not disappointed!

Now have them make fun of the blonde one!

·I loved loved loved the Muppets as a kid, in pretty much every incarnation. And I’ve loved loved loved seeing them pop up again in the recent movies, various random media appearances, etc.

I remember when an old roommate of mine came back from Afghanistan a few years ago. He was haunted and enraged by this very issue, and his experiences helplessly standing by why his Afghan “allies” assaulted young children eventually led him to become very Islamophobic.

“We’re here to steal your pornography, and sodomize our vast imaginations.”

At the risk of dogpiling, I’d like to explain two of the reasons why the mentality you mentioned can actually create significant problems down the road, because I know it’s not always very well spelled out in a culture that takes this sort of thing for granted:

As it stands right now, we’re having a nightmare just trying to fix the basic infrastructure that’s crumbling before our eyes, I doubt we’ll see much done about a major solar storm until the danger becomes too obvious to ignore.

TNG was one of the shows back then that was syndicated from the start, though. There was a strong motivation to get to the 100 episode mark, hence the extra leeway that shows like that were granted.

Great news... until that price tag.

I know! Full credit where it’s due: the friend in question quickly defriended the guy and apologized to everybody, saying the guy was a coworker whom he’d never liked that much and was thankful to finally have a reason never to speak to him again.

Exactly! But of course, we’re talking about a) a sex worker, so the value of her life is trivial at best, and b) Texas, where for far too many people life is only valuable if it hasn’t left the womb yet.

That’s exactly what I was thinking about, too - the Texas case a couple of years ago, right? Where the goddamn jury acquitted the guy for killing the sex worker because they believed she was “stealing” from him by refusing to do everything he demanded after he payed her.

Not to be at all snarky about it, it’s a horrifying situation all around but I still feel like she earned it:

God is taking them away from us because gay marriage.

My ladyfriend and I, who EVERY WEEK suffer outrageous scorn from our friends for DARING to enjoy Miller High Life and Bud Light, have now officially declared your our personal saint.

My next door neighbors always have their 4 kids running around outside if there’s even a hint of sun in the sky, and one girl around 4 or 5 communicates entirely through high pitched shrieks. This is not hyperbole - I once kept a log and figured out she was shrieking an average of 5 times per minute. Every. Day.