Thanks for the article about nothing, Mr. Kalaf.
Thanks for the article about nothing, Mr. Kalaf.
Something something tor Brazil a new asshole something something.
The world needs more people like him.
So, is it perhaps that you have trouble reading?
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a national treasure. Full Stop.
The de Grasse Tyson has spoken. Thus endeth the lesson.
Was his son in the booth?
Is this a trend? Should I be saying this more often, so that I look cool and hip? I'm going to scream it on the bus ride home as an experiment.
I gotta say, it fucking ALWAYS sucks losing but I am EXTREMELY proud of our team. Green and Yedlin look like the truth moving forward and they are 19 and 20, respectively.
I am bummed as hell for Howard. That was an INSANE performance in the face of almost certain doom. That was going out on your shield.
I don't know, me layed out on my carpet staring at the wall with tears in my eyes was close
This guy would have a heart attack watching a NFL broadcast.
Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break. He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice. I think next time I'm on TV YourTatoosAreLame can be my stylist. Seems he has more fashion sense than this homosexual. #yourtattoosarefaaaaaaabulouuuuusss
"You like to gamble?"
Again, I'm not arguing against charging them with abuse of a minor, it's just that that isn't the charge in question.
I disagree, since it is not a stat rape and the act was consensual the guy shouldn't be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. If this happened to two adults the charges would be completely different. It should either be stat rape and the child porn charge or whatever the punishment would be for filming…
How? The point of these laws is to catch child molesters, because child pornography supposedly is a proxy for that. These guys aren't child molesters, nor is there any reason to think they would molest children.
Which Gasol? I'll assume Pau because Marc is underpaid, not overpaid.
I find that the construction of the house also matters a lot. Many European countries do not have houses with air conditioning; however, they do have house that are made of brick or concrete walls that are thick and well insulating easily keeping the inside temperature comfortable. Most houses in the US are just made…