Cobbler Rankings:
Cobbler Rankings:
I'm confused by this. At first it seems genuine, then it seems to fancy itself as some sociological experiment. And many reinforcements of gender stereotypes. Beefy, overly manicured firemen? Check. Catty women at the bar critiquing strangers haircut? Check.
I'm an engineer and I don't even earn 5000$ a month.
I appreciate the * RELATED ARTICLE * information and it's good to link to * RELATED ARTICLE * other interesting and * RELATED ARTICLE * similar articles but it's getting * RELATED ARTICLE * a little ridiculous, IMO. * RELATED ARTICLE *
I am not. Not because he doesn't deserve it, but because we lose bits and pieces of our humanity when we allow it.
You should've added an honorary number 11: People who think they're parents because they have pets. Fuck those people.
I was referring primarily to people who go the Ph.D route. I don't know what the hell MBAs are really for or what they do; I presume they're sort of their own thing.
Who has grad school debt? Here is a good hint: if you need to pay for grad school, you are not qualified. If you are legitimately qualified, grad schools will pay you.
ALWAYS get the offer in writing.
when you need to study for hours and hours, try i love classical, focus spa, and alpha chill. the songs are definitely repetitive, but they're all instruments. really isn't an issue to me.
If the author so vehemently hates the way she feels fat people are treated (judging by all the pro-fat articles she writes), why doesn't she just put down the fork? Or does she just enjoy portraying herself as a victim/martyr for one of the most superficial, transient causes ever? She should use this journalistic…
I'd send the response card back. I'd send it back with "HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK NO" written on it. I'd take a bite out of the corner and write "OMG, sorry! SO HUNGRY!" below it. Then I'd draw a dick on it. Because I'm mature.