
Because driving those cars doesn't mean that you own those cars.

You have to give major props to Kathryn Bigelow for the masterful opening scene of slow-mo Keanu in a wet tshirt, acing the shooting range in the rain. It’s fucking perfect.

The Nat’l Guard is already in Baltimore...guarding the white parts of the city, and the tourist destinations like the Inner Harbor. The cops are policing the areas where they are most despised. Makes sense, no?

I admit that I don't quite understand the "surprise period" stories. Is it not widely known that you can easily modify your cycle with birth control pills? And that you should totally do that when planning your wedding/honeymoon? It's one less thing to worry about.

A specialist wouldn't ask you anyway, but any form of PCP should ask: family doc, nurse practitioner, or PA. It's nice to be reminded that someone else cares about your health and well-being, as well as that of your family's. It's relevant information, considering how many domestic violence deaths are associated with

Something tells me that the brother's wife's influence, and not something that the brother decided for himself. :\

Yeah, I mean anything over $500 that I would like to have a more extensive paper trail. Downpayments. Personal loans. Any non-recurring payment that I'd rather not put on a card. I usually keep a few check in my wallet for backup. But for quotidian stuff like groceries, gas, clothes—nope.

Oh good grief. I know a lot about the guy in the picture—he's made his fatness into something funny and acceptable, and I sincerely hope that it doesn't keep him from trying to be healthy, regardless of his weight. But I highly doubt that's going to happen. You don't look like that and run 10ks, or go hiking several

We have those in D.C.—they're relatively new, like maybe 4-5 years old—and they definitely help with overcrowding during rush periods, simply because you're not freaking out about when the next train is due.

HoCo represent.

I understand it as being that I've never lived on an Earth w/o Robin Williams or Leonard Nimoy until very recently. They've always been there, always been able to entertain me and make me think or laugh, and I genuinely enjoyed their work and smiled when I saw their names attached to something.

Upon a re-read of your original comment, I understand why you're so defensive. You're a former fat guy. I get it—you don't like to see assumptions made about other fat people. That's understandable. And you lost weight, and now you're no longer a fat guy, but you like to keep playing the white knight for all those

Thank you, that's exactly my point, and exactly what I was thinking about!

What false assumptions? You state quite clearly that you used to be able to get off, and then came to the conclusion that you're only turned on by violent fantasies, and that your Catholic upbringing put the kibosh on you fully accepting your kinks.

That's a completely false equivalency and you know it. Now try dressing all those guys in Speedos, thongs and weird suspension mankinis and you'd have a much better comparison. ;)

She plays Wii games. Does that not count as "playing video games" to you?

I drank heavily, so that helped!

And you sound like a bitter, judgemental asshat who hates everyone who is more successful than them.

That's totally crazy. At least your kid'll be old enough by then for it not too matter too much. Are you planning on having any more? If so, I'd have a long talk with the husband about moving back.

Get a physical and a mental health work up with an eye to finding a solution to the "why" of why you cannot have an orgasm.