
Get a physical and a mental health work up with an eye to finding a solution to the "why" of why you cannot have an orgasm.

I'm a moron because you can't orgasm? I suggest that you take yourself in for a decent physical, and explain that you're having trouble orgasming. There are wonderful medical options to help you out. But nope, sorry, I'm still not a moron. ;)

He's obese. He's visibly obese. Unless he's eating all the calories required to maintain his weight in salads, fruit, low-fat dairy protein, whole grains and lean meats, and doing at least 3-4 hours of accelerated heart rate exercise a week, everything that I listed above is likely to come true.

Why? I don't want to marry him. This is how we live, and it works for us.

Every interview w/Cavett that I've seen makes him out to be pretty on-point and up to date regarding social issues, even though he does have that 'old school Hollywood' vibe around him. I mean, even watching some of this old shows, like interviewing John Lennon or anyone else who ended up iconic—you can see him

It's not a vacation if you're working. ;)

Have you just missed it? Because I think I've read that in every single article discussing her and this movie.

I have matching flaps on the outsides of my pinky and my thumb from a mandoline that knew that I was a newbie. :\

You'd probably make better money waiting tables @ high-end restaurants than being the Exec. chef. Better hours too!

But the 'chemicals' in question—the ones added to farmed salmon feed—are carotenoids. They're related to beta carotene and derived from vegetable sources. They're used to color butter yellow...and no one seems to care about that. Carotenoids are also powerful antioxidants, and are freely available as supplements for

That's a shitty analogy. A turd is not food, while meat certainly is. It's not as if your grilled veggies are going to cooked right on top of someone's steak—they require different levels of heat. ;)

I usually hear "I don't eat red meat," or for the no chicken, no red meat crowd, "I'm a pescetarian."

Counseling. Premarital counseling. Please go get some now!

That's what I do. Except I get a maid to be "my chores." My bathroom gets cleaned, my laundry gets done, everything is vacuumed. "His" bathroom looks like an entire Boy Scout troop peed on the floor and left it to mold...six months ago. I don't go in there, and I put a deadbolt on my bathroom door. I do my dishes

I've asked my partner oh, so many times, just how did he manage to eat for all those years, because it seems like unless someone female is preparing it, he simply doesn't eat, or will eat out.

Oh, please. You see someone that fat, in middle age, and you know that in a decade or two they'll have shitty knees (if they don't already, that's one of the first things,) fatty liver, high blood pressure and a likely case of Type II diabetes.

Well...no. Black hairy tongue happens when the papillae grow too long, and aren't sloughed off as usual. Their longer than normal length trap bacteria, food particles and stuff like tobacco and chemicals from mouthwashes. It isn't usually due to poor oral hygiene, but can be caused by dry mouth, or eating too much

Yes, because I was wondering what a pro-lifer was doing bothering to advertise one of their worthless petitions. So yes...please go ahead and edit your post—the edit button is in the upper right hand corner of your post where the 'dismiss' button is. Mouse around until you find it.

You actually thought of the cheeks on one's face when reading that? I immediately thought of reaching around, grabbing her butt and hoisting her up.