
You're not wrong. You're not bitchy, and you don't lack empathy. Haters gonna hate, and feel free to ignore them all.

You're not wrong. You're not bitchy, and you don't lack empathy. Haters gonna hate, and feel free to ignore them all.

There's an entire tumblr of gold

I'm so sorry! But yeah...I'll echo, KeepCalm—keep your kid away from the anti-vaxxer until he's at least 2 years old and has had all his shots. But I'd probably avoid her entirely—that ridiculous stance is making a lot of kids really sick.

It's...'80s mauve. Ferchrissakes...it's what my nude lipstick looks like.

Oh? That's your take on having had a positive and educational high school experience? Thanks for sharing! :D

She, thank you. What's the problem with a highly motivated academic environment? It's not like the valedictorian and the salutatorian grabbed one of the potheads and jammed them into a locker. It's pretty hard to equate intellectual stratification with the weird social stratification that most others here are talking

Pom pom squad. Less cheering, more dancing about to pop music.

What's shitty and cliquish about enjoying a challenging academic atmosphere? 100% of my graduating class when to college—even those in the normal classes were smarter than average and given access to elite academics. Seriously, I can't imagine how awful your high school experience must've been for you to want to force

Not a guy, but thanks!

We just had our 20th reunion. It was fun!

Why? Because investing is evil and awful? Because I'd like my IRA to actually pay for my retirement? Who do you get your investment advice from? Someone you pay for? Or someone that you've known for 30 years as being a smart, capable individual who's relatively successful in their field?

Eh...we don't know that mom and baby are doing okay, not really. The healthcare staff will ask for the name of the baby's pediatrician, simply to make sure that the new parents have found one, and have already made an appt. for the youngling to be seen. And there are 2 week, 3 week, 6 and 8 week visits. After that

Heat + vinegar = Woohoo! Toss in some chili peppers and you'll definitely singe nose hairs. I do like the bite that vinegar gives spicy food!

It really does mean 'no notes,' as in no notebooks, sketchpads, drawing paper or other method to write down what you're eating, in what order, what the preparation methods were, garnishes, sauces and platings.

Yeah, I mean, I think you're totally wrong. I went to an academically-challenging high school, where the jocks weren't the popular kids at all. Maybe the soccer team, but the football players? Not a chance. And if you took the time to do poms or cheerleading, it was seen as not being as dedicated to your studies as

How do we know that her boyfriend wasn't also drinking with her? The point is not to condemn day drinking on a holiday, but to expect that the one person you were sharing the meal with would wake you up to eat. It's not as if they has a house full of people—it was just the two of them, and he started without her.

No, you expect someone to wake you up—that's just polite.

It's not just a millenial thing, the high school I went to has been doing 5-year reunions since the late '70s. It's nice when the classes are small, and tightly knit—people tend to keep in touch anyway, and it's nice to see everyone immediately post-college.

Why does that seem sad? For classes that are smallish, and tightly knit, it's a nice way to catch up with old friends immediately post-college.