It makes up a bunch of bullshit to sell a glorified self-help book?
It makes up a bunch of bullshit to sell a glorified self-help book?
I can't stand virtual buttons, even on a tablet. I hate the feel of them. Just my preference.
Yea, my wife has an ipad, I liked plants vs. Zombies, but I could have never played in on the small screen of my phone.
I never said that. I'm fine choosing my own games, you can play whatever suck-ass crap you want.
my bluray remote is, as well as their current bluetooth headset.
That'd be great if it's Duke. I've been hoping it would show up on the gold box sooner or later, you know they have to have crates of unsold copies in their warehouses. . .
It seems like the main reason you dislike the Vita is because you have moved away from "portable" gaming consoles because of your iphone.
are they going to redesign their controllers to look like Sony's now too?
Kotaku needs to come up with some sort of thumbnail view, or just show all of the images on a page.
Hate to break it to you, but those masks have been around for years, and have already transcended "trend".
Good point!
I think, in many cases, Japanese games are better than Western games.
Street Fighter 2 > Tekken.
The moves they're biting from SF seem like a nice addition (double- tapping to dash was in SF also, though I think it might have been one of the Neo Geo fighters that did it first? Samurai Showdown maybe?), but it will take a lot more than that to get me to play a SC game again.
All you are saying is that as motion capture advances, it can replace reality. That will take a while, but I'm sure that's true.
I don't know who coined the term "Hacktivist"., but can we scrub that from the english language now, before the newsmedia picks up on it?
I don't understand this either. . .
Sorry, but just saying the same thing over and over, without addressing any of the points I made before, does not count as discussion.
I think that a major part of that is what's done after the fact. I think that is is used well in the superman cartoons because it is pretty stylized, and that helps hide the stiff lifeless quality of the mocap.
Not absurd at all. Compare any animation that started with mocap with any professional hand animated work (Pixar, Sony pictures, etc.).