
True, Mocap is a base that is always cleaned up by hand afterword. I think that a lot of people don't understand the subtleties though, just because LA Noir can mocap faces, doesn't make their facial animation better than a face animated by hand. Just because you can do something "automatically" doesn't mean it will

It's the opposite. You can get a wider range of expression animating by hand.

No motion capture will ever look as good as a good animator animating by hand.

I HAVE been aware of it. Also aware of the fact that they need to bring it to PSN. . .


I won't deny she has her strong points, but c'mon, she's no Tera Patrick by any stretch of the imagination.

Ugh, Sasha Grey is the most overrated pornstar of all time, and the most pretentious to boot.

Indiana Jones should play Drake.

Ok, I thought you were criticizing and didn't understand what you meant.


Well, neo-nazi's aren't the smartest bunch. . .

Even funnier are the "Jews for Jesus". . .

Quit trolling, we all know Raptor Jesus died long ago. . .

Religion is an important element of our society. Some people are not intelligent enough to form their own moral code, and religion (including, but not exclusive to Christianity) provides a basis to teach them not to kill, steal, and rape.

Just off the top of my head. . .

They are both Christians, and they are a hell of a lot closer than Buddhists and Muslims, who are both listed as "other"

Not as many (or as varied) as the religions labelled "other"

Amen to that. . .

It means "Cleavage"

Nice work!