
That's sweet, but I was hoping there would be more to it than just writing it on the ground. I don't play minecraft, but that looks fairly easy to do.

I think it's funny that people still defend DOA as a legitimate fighting game.

"But this has to be resolved, I need this as a gamer."

In the words of one of the greatest guitar bands ever. . .

Please do not refer to people associated with Fox News as "experts".

@Rallion: Good point, I use games to escape after work all the time. . .

@rathorial: I agree with you. However, I think that Colbert's audience is relatively young and tech-savvy.

@sick_and_ashamed: man that guy from the office has gained some weight, huh?

@El_Mexicutioner: Yea, if you've been with my mom, your standards are way too low.

@freedomweasel: I watch Colbert fairly regularly, I've seen what you're talking about, and that's not the case.

I watched the interview last night, and have to say that appearing on TV hurt her arguments more than helping them.

@suppaman: Not sure why you're so worked up over this.

@Jestersmiles: Here's a thought, people copy games because they're cheap bastards. If they didn't want to play, they wouldn't go to the trouble. Your argument works with the PC market, but not consoles. Just a thought.

@suppaman: Yea, um "pirated" downloadable games must be more common than you think, or companies wouldn't bother with things like this.

@nutbastard: No, he's right. If piracy wasn't so widespread, there would be no corporate reaction.

@dowingba: How is this Sony's fault?

@hagren: I don't blame them, playing devil's advocate, he could get into my copy of the game on his ps3 and play without buying.