
I downloaded it at a buddy's house tuesday night because we were so excited to play it. Then, last night, I went to play on my ps3 and got the message that I had to wait 24 hours from when another ps3 had run the content.

@amazinglarry: Yes, that's why you don't reply to posts with things like "obvious troll is obvious"

@tshack: Why promote his comment then?

@tshack: Why promote his comment then?

This sums up my opinion of "modern" mainstream fps games.

Gameplay Prediction:

@woshiernog: Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes. . . well sometimes the bar eats you.

@Who wants toast?: The irony behind that quote is that if his taxes weren't in the red, he wouldn't be in prison. . .

@PSWii2008: I love a troll that's years late (It's just so ADORABLE!), but a new DS3 runs $39 on Amazon.

@Johnni Kun: I see realism every day. I would rather look at something cooler than that when I play games.

@f4naota: The minute an artist alters their art to appeal to the masses, it ceases to become art, and becomes a matter of committee thinking. An artist creates what he/she thinks is esthetically pleasing.

Please avoid commenting on proportions or anatomy unless you have actually been to art school and understand concepts like artistic license.

I for one am glad that it is so big. I like the huge screen, and it's by no means too big to carry around.

@Badmofo: Do you wear women's jeans?