You are way too fast with that dsm-iv revolver. He just seems manipulative in a very ineffective way which may be part of a personality disorder but then again it most probably isn't.
You are way too fast with that dsm-iv revolver. He just seems manipulative in a very ineffective way which may be part of a personality disorder but then again it most probably isn't.
Here on kotaku people generally dislike LoL for reasons that to me are hipstery. Nevermind them if they don't give reasons, try the game. It's better with friends, you can also meet people along the way, like any other game. To me this game is just an RTS, the general principles are the same, you go for objectives,…
It's good, that's why is popular, go watch it. This is the short but correct answer, i don't know what were you expecting with your question, the appeal is that is a story about titans attacking the last remnants of humanity in a hopeless world.
Murmur gives Third World Yuno the memories of First World Yuno, which she somehow saved, and Yuno uses a hammer to break a path to were Yuki is, and they end up together, the hammer part is kinda silly but is literaly what happens.
Do you have a 1440p monitor? if yes, then yes, if no, then no.
Do you watch sports leagues? It's kind of the same, you follow the teams, you watch the matches, you keep up with the leagues standings. If you watch a match and don't know what's going on it's a good idea to play some of the games, the main attraction of pro leagues is that players can do stuff much better than you,…
People here in kotaku are such hipster about Dota 2 :P. I like league better, in dota 2 i still get yelled at only instead of team chat and in my language, is over mic in chinese or russian (sometimes english).
The word is supposed to mirror "gene" as a biological information unit. "meme" is the cultural information unit, so is pronounced like "gene" and all the words made with it (like genetic: memetic)
I think is classical conditioning, the going fast at the start is associated with the going fast later in the game, he starts the game spamming buttons and as the game goes on, the spam becomes more and more actual useful button presses. By the way classical conditioning works, he just wouldn't be able to keep up if…
They aren't mashing buttons randomly either, he's pressing his control groups and selecting and deselecting units and buildings. Anyway, the way koreans (and pros) practice, this is a clasical conditioning that allows them to go faster later in the game, the fast finger movement at the start elicits a fast finger…
The only way a person would be deemed unfit would be if he commited the crime during a psychotic episode. There is no other scenario where a person would lose the grasp of reality so much as to committ a crime without knowing it was wrong. Even a person with a very low intelectual level in time has a working…
Why leave out League of Legends?, right now the most popular game on pc, and it's pretty good even if you don't like it.
Some people are telling you that you have OCD, don't mind that. what you have is a obsession-compulsion, people normally get these in their life about all sort of stuff, it's a mechanism to lower your anxiety, with your information we can't know a lot about the obsession part (what gives you anxiety) but you lower it…
I think a PhD is almost a career path in itself, like going to the military or chosing to become a musician, sure it MAY get you a better paid job, but you're well into your life when you finish it and the most fitting escenario is when you want to do an academic career.
Maybe you just don't perceive it, like some people is tone deaf, color blind (as in, they are bad at colors in general). I have a bad smell sense, everytime someone is "can you smell that???" i don't, i can't smell anything.
Anyway i think one easy way to see it is: if it looks or have the feeling of a movie in the…
She rewarded (positive reinforcement) her own working out behavior with reading, something she really likes, then the behavior of working out increased its probability, the human experience of this process is that the rewarded activity becomes more "fun". This is an effective way of habit change, there are other ways…
It's hardly a fad, people have been playing MOBA games for at least 7-8 years and it's not going away.
I think is important that you play 999 before VLR, you can understand (or get more confused and intrigued) about the behavior of certain characters, and the plot in general.
At least you are getting the flashbacks early on, one of the strong points of attack on titan is that nothing or very little is wasted, so the flashbacks are important to the wholse story, but yeah, i think putting 2 flashback episodes back to back without showing what happened to Eren was a mistake, the pace slowed…
LoL's lore back in the first years was really goofy, but wasn't serious, the first journals pages were just... funny stuff that didn't take itself seriously, off the top of my head there was morgana working a cookie shop, a summoner cheating on one champion with another, a champion trying to invent steampunk internet,…