
I’ve been pretty on the fence about getting a Switch after being disappointed with the WiiU, and with Horizon just out (and huge) and Mass Effect: Andromeda out in a month (also assumedly huge) there’s probably not time for this quite yet. But think I’m coming around to the idea of picking up a Switch come the summer

Maybe they can find your fucking manners.

He can’t possibly be racist. He’s wearing an American flag tie in his portrait photo for god sakes!!!

What on earth are you blathering about?

Now playing

I watched this the other day and really enjoyed it. Gamexplain are one of my favourite channels on YT and they clearly put a lot of effort into their analysis.

Many of those are turning into breweries, soooo... “when you come to what looks like an abandoned factory, check inside for beer”.

I was a local 157 carpenter for 24 years here in NYC - I worked with a lot of local 580 ornamental ironworkers; good guys, good local.

New York ironworkers don’t take no shit - I’m sure you guys are the same

Unions are the only way to go, and I agree 100% with your opinion on 45.

I think I love you.

Millwright 1090, Ohio.

I wish. Like it seems like a dumb dream, but I wish I could miss work for protests, or quit for unjust moves on the part of my employer, but I’m not unionized and I’m in a right to work state, so I’m stuck eating shit sandwiches and asking for seconds.

I’m a first year apprentice out of Local 60 Syracuse NY. I’m looking forward to the spring, when work will pick up and I’ll actually get a paycheck.

What a selfless individual. You almost did it without telling the whole world, too!

1. That’s MASSIVELY expensive and an enormous drag on the economy. So, again, you have no fiscal sense at all. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

How, exactly, is Ernie Irvan responsible for Neil Bonnets death?

I think you are forgetting the part where we engineers are designing to requirements and that it’s the customer who implicitly sets them.

Hey bud, fellow grown-up-who-was-raised-in-bumfuck-nowhere-Tennessee here. Further credentials: it was east Tennessee, in the Appalachian region, back where we had to drive over half an hour to reach the closest Wal-Mart. I grew up growing tobacco all my life. While other kids got to go on trips or to the beach

So how can we see what pokemon is nearby if we don’t use our phone?

Best way to play monopoly is to allow house building before owning 3 properties. This way the roll of the dice isn’t so important to where the first person that lands on 3 of the same color basically wins.

Yeah, it's really great how the Rays have been able to hold onto their good young players when they become free agents, so you can enjoy watching a guy become a fixture on your team. Like I'm in Toronto, and as much as they've been shit forever, at least we got the awesomeness of watching Halladay for the better part