My grandma is from Mississippi. She is that big of a bigot
My grandma is from Mississippi. She is that big of a bigot
When it snows do you build one big snowman or three little ones?
I thought for sure there was a Schiano man joke coming at the end.
Somebody inform Jezebel that there is some victim blaming going on over here.
Fuck Riley Cooper and Fuck Peter King
You're on the short list of best Deadspin names
I can understand why RedBull wouldn't want him to do it but I see no reason FIA should be mad
It's pretty strong but not best ever
I thought the same thing. Locker room talk can get pretty rough. Any construction worker on earth gets worse than that on a regular basis
That's better than any four teamer I'll bet on tomorrow
I wanna party with this kid
They are indeed the best
The caddies are subcontracted by a company out of Pinehurst ( They contract caddies out to a lot of golf clubs. It's nothing but a simple application. Every guest that comes on the grounds must have a caddy assigned to them at all times. Knowing your golf doesn't hurt but they've got to…
My apologies
It was so awesome to have the Augusta National as my office. Caddied for a lot of famous people. Pay wasn't bad but there is no cash tipping it's against the rules.
I worked at Augusta National full time as a caddy from 2003 to 2012..... It was awesome to get to see the amount of work that those video game guys did. Very life like all the way down to the locations of bushes and trees
There is Irwindale Speedway though so you weren't all the way done
I don't think there is a Nascar race in Irwindale