
Hey now - take it easy on the guy. Are you always hitting home runs at your job?

Based on what I’ve seen for sale on used car sites, there are hardly any manual corvettes out there. The average retired union plumber wants an automatic.

The next new status symbol in SUV’s is going to be a staircase.

When I hear a parent say they bought a 7 passenger SUV because minivans aren’t cool.

I think you both have it right. We USED to love to drive in the 50's, 60's, 70's. Back then, commuting times were much lower and traffic was non-existent. There was actually a household phrase called the “Sunday drive”. Yep - we literally had a phrase for driving for the sake of JUST enjoying driving around.

Are they buying them?

Is it a fact that the Trumps (father and / or Donald) were audited yearly?

Right? It’s chump change for him. He makes billions and billions and billions from what is one of the greatest companies ever built.

Plenty of penis cars though.

FCA is the closest currently.

“Bolt action rifle? You must be thinking of our current promotion - Get a free assault rifle with a purchase of a Silverado.”

I sense your humor.

Birds of a feather flock together.

His character is also learning disabled but his mother has sex with a flight school administrator in order for him to be accepted. 

I probably shouldn’t ask to sidetrack this topic but I’m curious to learn about your father’s landlord experience. I’m interested in investing in real estate and trying to educate myself on how you deal with a tenant who doesn’t pay rent and damages the home.

Am I taking it for granted that not all adults have some basic financial intelligence?

I think the answer is YES.

So was your ex also crazy? 

My theory is Ron has money. The article mentioned that he paid a guy $10,000 to help him move the cars but the guy disappeared with his money and only helped him with half.

Is that you Freiburger?