
Guys like Subban are rare. Need check the black market to replace him.

That’s the kind of play you try down by one with 2 minutes to go and is reckless when it’s tied and you are desparate for points. Still, you don’t show up your best player in public for trying to make something happen.

Thierrien is and has always been an uber-douche. The same idiot who allowed the Miracle in Molson to

Yeah, fuck those douche-boys.

- Greg “Lipton” Paulus

Ball’s to the prison walls, man.

Ball’s to the wall.

Last Friday I had four Six Point Resin double IPAs and an order of naan and rogan josh from the nearby Indian joint.

Sacré Bleu Balls!

Creepy Todd can’t get Breaking Bad out of his system.

What had to die for that rug to exist?

Dunno but he recently tested positive for beaver tranquilizer.

With Ilitch, it’ll just be swept under the rug.

That’s a clear 2 minutes for butt-ending with his schtick.

Impressive but he’s not even the only player that had a hat trick in one period last night. Eaves of the Stars did it as well.

Haven’t seen the Eaves highlights. Please tell me he roofed one.

Under Armour balls?

uh this was Josh MORGAN, not Josh GORDON.

Maybe the confusion is that Manziel and Capt. Morgan spent hours together in Cleveland.

The common thread?

Tighty Whiteys inside and outside the suitcases.

Just buy new shit. Not like she lost her favorite dildo, he’s in the pic.

THAT, is one magic loogie.

#23: The fuck?
Thought you guys said socks over the knees and tucked in jerseys?

In case it was hard to pick Oher out, here’s a still shot. He’s on the right...

Given it’s Calgary, smart money says it was the Zima Virus.

The pic from his office this morning indicates Ol’ Roy is just fine...

Oh bullsiht. When a TD is in sight, he never hesitates to launch himself into the end zone with oppenents right there in prime position to injure him. He did that in playoffs vs. AZ even when the game was no longer in doubt. But somehow he is concerned with injury when he has the clearest path to a loose ball that