Doug Nelson

Finally, the cow gets some recognition. Best thing on that show (unfortunately).

Screens seems to be Mac-centric? All the screencaps and vids show the flower key. Also, I can't find any info about setting it up. Their website has a downloadable server app, which contradicts your criterion. I don't think $15 is unreasonable, I just don't want to pay $15 before I'm sure it will be just as

What about John Hurt in "Alien"?

Joss Whedon should executive-produce a tv series about Wolfram & Hart. Less like Angel and more like Mad Men (only even more evil). He wouldn't even need to write or direct, the idea is brilliant enough to self-sustain (assuming the right crew is in place).

Why is James Marsters not the main character?

@FastRPN: It's too big to cover. And I use it folded over (to cook both sides at once) but it still spatters all over the place.

Apologies in advance:

I have a Cuisinart griddle (the multi-purpose panini type). It works great for steaks and chops as long as there are no bones. But it makes a mess, spattering grease spots for a yard around it in every direction. Any tips on keeping this from happening?

Time travel, please.

Who made this?

VOTE: yousendit

VOTE: Genie Backup Manager Pro

I tried this last winter, jammed my spreader almost instantly. It wasn't the crystals, it was the dust (using calcium chloride).

That's only 7 facets of one thing.

Towels on my oven door will drag the floor when the oven is open.

Vote: Excel

I can skip renewing my Xbox Live Gold subscription, since Netflix is the only reason I have it. I do hope the PS3 has Netflix search, I miss that function on my Xbox. #netflix

Plus the boiling water kills the herpes virus.

If a page shows in their Shopping listing, it should not also show in their regular search listing. The regular search is so polluted with sales pages, it's just about useless for searching on many topics.

Vote: Diskeeper