Doug A. Kaplan

$10 million?!? Come on man, no one else could've used that money better than this?

The best thing would be if I can access my gmail account in so I can use my gmail in this superior interface.

So what else besides retina display will be the iPad 3's selling point? More powerful, maybe Siri, and retina display. I'm assuming they will claim apps like the upcoming Photoshop and rumored Office will only be able to run on the iPad 3 and this will give an excuse to lower the price on the iPad 2 but the iPad 3

Better than having to somehow get another outlet free to plug the Roku box into. My power strip is tapped out.

I'm praying for a day where we don't use -gate anymore.

Mario has been wearing a tanooki suit since 1988, I think PETA needs a new hobby.

When you say "unique capabilities" of the iPad, what are those unique abilities again?

Kind of amazing they get Matias Duarte, a mastermind of UI design, and here comes a Samsung made skin that makes his work look better. He made the Sidekick and webOS UI, what happened now that he's with Google?

Yea, i'm a huge Nintendo fan but I love how they don't see the battery as one of, if not THE biggest problem with the 3DS.

I think what people are failing to realize is that the next version of the 360 and PS3 will not be nearly as significant an upgrade as we saw in the last generation. The reason these companies are focusing on other things than power and graphics is because there hasn't been the huge leap in technology for the next

@Chewmieser: I agree 110%, Grooveshark has completely stopped me from purchasing music whether it be digitally or the old fashion way (CD's, albums). Having music in the cloud is the way to go and Grooveshark is amazing. The community features, uploading your own music, or having your same playlists on desktop,

@videobeagle: You can't be serious right? How was it possible the media outlets took "Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget" and over hyped it? That's straight from Apple, a site like Gizmodo just reported it. Can't over hype something that's already over hyped.

@videobeagle: How did the media outlets overhype this? It says "Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget". That's not Apple over hyping this? Apple apologists are hilarious.

I want to see two reviews for this game, one reviewing the multi-player component and another the single-player side.

I want to see two reviews for this game, one reviewing the multi-player component and another the single-player side.

If you get good at the song creation mode you could always just make the song yourself and play it that way. They can't take it down if its something you created on your own version of the game.

Has anyone seen the commercial for this game with the song "Oh No You Didn't"?