Or it could be the movie is just bad. Just because you wish really hard it is good doesn’t mean it is. A 17 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes with 48 reviews? As a famous critic once said: “it stinks.”
Or it could be the movie is just bad. Just because you wish really hard it is good doesn’t mean it is. A 17 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes with 48 reviews? As a famous critic once said: “it stinks.”
The Poisoner’s Handbook was turned into a good documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americane…
But in the woods?
Translation: “Yeah, gawdammit! Never stand on principle for anything! It’s not like consumer embargoes on companies have ever worked. Your time is best used inhaling mass quantities of Cheetos while trolling comments sections, like me!”
You are correct. I was thinking in religious terms.
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t an atheist. He was a deist: He believed a God that created the universe and natural law, but he didn’t believe in miracles. That’s why he took a razor to the Bible and removed all references to miracles. As far as Reagan, I honestly did not know that. I must admit I would be highly amused if it…
Everybody knows he’s Muslim.
I think that is why he is not being more open about it, and even saying he believes in God: Running as a socialist is a hard sell in America. Running as a socialist and an atheist — that is probably too much for most voters.
Let’s be honest: The first atheist president, although he won’t admit it publicly. (Which is a shame, because I think he should.”
I apologize: I thought I was speaking to a rational person.
I don’t care if you don’t agree with her. My issue is the threats and harassment any woman gets when she speaks out about gaming issues online.
I thought you were joking. SJW is social justice warrior. As far as GamerGate, the less you know about them, the better your life will be.
“Sane Jewish Woman.” GamerGaters have a problem with them.
There’s nothing wrong with saying she is wrong and moving on. The difference is GamerGaters not only say she is wrong, but do everything to threaten her and any other woman they don't agree with.
My guess is your definition of “biased” is “any opinion I don’t agree with.” Anyway, the funny thing is I have never seen a single one of her videos. I just appreciate that she exists because it helps weed out the whiny little manchildren in any comment thread: They’re always the first to bring her up.
Richard Dawkins? Is that you?
Oh for fuck’s sake, a woman with an opinion. The horror. I’ve never met a “SJW” who has perfected whining like a little bitch as much as you GamerGate types.
I think the first-person parts of that game are fantastic. The third-person Kong sequences could have been left out entirely and nothing would have been lost.