
Stop suing and get back to work on Red Dead Redemption 2!

Awfully upset over a joke. Need a safe space and a shoulder to cry on?

Oh the most enjoyable part is watching guys like you cry like a little girl over a joke.

We get it. You think girls and gay people are icky. You found a site that agrees with you. Good for you.

Where is this argumentation school and what is the tuition? Either way, I suggest you ask for a refund.

Oh, a Breitbart link! We have a thinker here, gentlemen!

Actually, that's exactly how creative writing works. That's why "creative" is in the title. Back to school, maybe?

Their vision should never be questioned, unless I disagree with that vision. Then it should be questioned. (And the female developers threatened, for good measure.)

Not sure how making a joke about a group of people who are themselves a joke qualifies as "tone deaf." Anyway, even if you agree with the GG crowd, you can't take a joke?

GamerGaters certainly are a whiney bunch for a group of guys who paint themselves as the paragons of masculinity.

You are right. I didn't mean the people. I meant the government.

It always frustrates me to know so many Americans are completely unaware of how we as a nation helped caused the clusterfuck that is Iran today. We overturned a democratically elected government to protect our (and British) oil interests, and the dictator we put into power created the environment that allowed

Ask yourself this question: Do I like guns?

Ask yourself this question: Do I like guns?

Far Cry Primal didn't come with a season pass. In fact, it doesn't look like we'll see any DLC other than what little was released on launch day.

Far Cry Primal didn't come with a season pass. In fact, it doesn't look like we'll see any DLC other than what

You have a strange idea of what constitutes a “bonus.”

I imagine whatever they come up with will be better than the horrendous CGI and character designs we have seen so far in the trailers.

Isn’t there a wildlife refuge in Oregon you should be occupying?

I am the exact opposite. I love sandbox games that are open-ended and don’t force you to take part in a pre-determined story. Plus I enjoy games that are more about exploration than getting from point A to B in a narrative.

I’m the same way: I suck at FPS shooters. But the lack of guns in this means you focus more on stealth and, occasionally, close-quarters combat. It doesn’t feel like an FPS for that reason.

I love this game. Strangely enough, I view what critics see as its weaknesses as its strengths. The lack of a strong central story is a bonus for me, given it makes the game more about exploration and going at your own pace. I was never great at first-person shooter stuff, so the emphasis on stealth and close-up