
Spotted that right away too. No Airbus tankers were sold to the US.

In 1985 my employer paid to have a car cellphone installed in my 1st Gen GTI. It was probably worth more than the car. It was a Motorola and I think the provider was Cellular One. My second phone was a Mitsubishi transportable that you could remove from the car for "portable" use, but was still big as a brick. Third

Good to see that Chicago is coming along nicely. Really fixed up the place.

How much for the blonde?

I immediately read the brand name, but then again, I went to public school.

Never heard of it, but of course, I went to a public school.

In my mind, anything that runs and isn't obviuosly ravaged by rust is a NP.

Replacement fan belt?

NP if you can wrench it yourself. CP if you need to pay someone else to get it running in proper form.

But first you need a doable cousin. Good luck with that.

Well, I know what my new dirty fight move is...

The lack or a remote self destruct or totally autonomous self destruct routine is either a huge oversight, a sign of overconfidence, or an indication that the military isn't worried if these drones fall into enemy hands. I hope it's the latter.

Eye-Fi cards are great, with the exception that in my experience they drain the battery quite quickly. I had two of them, an 8GB Explore X2 and a 4GB Connect X2. Both dramatically reduced the battery life in my Pentax K-x and Panasonic DMC-ZS3. After the novelty of being able to send pictures over wi-fi wore off, and


I have to agree with you on that. No great loss since it started out as a 2+2.

I wonder, has anyone tried this with Bourbon?

I remember paying over $500 for a 1 GB (Yes, 1 GB) hard drive in the mid-90s. Gawd I'm old.

My tax refund will be paying a chunk of my property taxes. Ironic, right?

Have you SEEN the Murano convertible? Duh!

I was being sarcastic, but thanks. :)