
I don't get it. Another brake pedal to back up the brake pedal? A button on the dash or console? A button that any Democrat can push to stop any car remotely? This has to be Obama's idea.

Nope. Not at all.

They don't look ugly to me. Problem is, how do you wear the Google glasses with regular glasses? That would be ugly.

Who needs algorithms? I first "met" my wife in 1997 in an AOL chat room. Married 12+ yrs now.

Please kill "Chevy Runs Deep." Now! It sounds like a tag line for submarines.

Go Steve!

I'm in LOVE!

One of my favorite authors. Too bad the visions he had for 2001 space travel haven't come to pass.

As a car crazed teenager in the 70s, I followed F1 very closely. It was great racing. I remember all of those cars and drivers. Disappointed to not see a Ferrari 312T (?). Anyway, this is the first auto racing movie that I have truly looked forward to in a long time.

The iPhone and iPad Star Walk and Star Map Pro apps are indispensable for naked eye star gazing.

Nice price, but those rust bubbles make me nervous. I have first hand Italian rust experience with a 1980s Fiat.

I don't have for this crap. Now get off my lawn!

I've been to the Pima Air & Space Museum several times. It is a must see if you live or are visiting the area.

That's exactly what I was thinking...

I only looked at the first picture and thought total CP.

Why not? The Dragon and Orion look similar to the Apollo capsule.

I hate Syfy more and more every day. They remind me of that drop dead gorgeous girl I went out with in High School who was nothing but a huge tease. A huge, disappointing tease.

Always glad 2 help a fellow space-maniac. :)

Do you really even have to ask the question? CP

How am I suppose to see the difference the higher resolution retina screen on the new iPad makes on an iPad 2 screen? My head is exploding...