I'm Bateman!!!!

Much better, yes. Still terrible, also yes.

my man we are reporting on a show that has not been subtle about the queer storyline, and we are reporting on schnapp’s own interview where the whole thing is that he wanted to make it explicit but he didn’t want to ruin anyone’s enjoyment. the show has been out for weeks. sorry if you’re spoiled over a very minor

“What can be done about the MCU at this point?”

What is this article. I don’t understand this complaint.

It’s all really, really dumb. If Marvel Studios doesn’t trust the people they hire not to illegally upload screeners to the internet, then they probably shouldn’t have been hired in the first place.

Not to speak to the quality of the props actually used, but in general, even hero props are a lot shittier IRL than you’d expect based on their in camera appearance.

Wow, pretty crazy that Netflix “leaked” episode 7 alongside the other 6 episodes and in exact accordance with their release schedule. 

I want to say this in the kindest way possible, but you may be dead inside. I don’t know for sure, but this episode was pure joy and full of emotion and light all brought by the performances. Please look into whether or not you may be undead, do you own any silver you can test on your skin? If you don’t own silver,

So we can asume you did not watch the trail. But just the cliff notes.

Even in the face of the most compelling evidence, you’ll keep your opinion. Wow... Impressive.

I've been in the same situation as Depp and feel elated with the verdict.

As a man who has been raped before, men can be victims as well. She literally faked evidence and lied under oath and is now facing perjury possible charges in UK, US, and Australia. It’s not “believe women” it’s “believe victims”. Amber is the abuser, NOT the victim.

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

I appreciate that they subverted some general tropes about trauma and emotional abuse. It was a nice touch to see the gentler and less angry persona being the one created by the trauma.

Also, it was refreshing to see Marvel go with some mama drama rather than their prototypical daddy issues.

I didn’t expect to find Marc

I wonder if people know how much I love the Thor franchise?

Fanboys are incapable of comprehending that it’s the love of something that makes you approach it critically.

Did you read through yesterday’s slideshow article and come away thinking the author really loves the Thor franchise? I did not get that impression at all.

and we didn’t ask for it.

Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

I’m going to dismiss replies that Sam Wilson “doesn’t count.”