Discovered via Reddit and confirmed via in-house PlayStation 4s, the trending section of the PlayStation Store…
Discovered via Reddit and confirmed via in-house PlayStation 4s, the trending section of the PlayStation Store…
Gamers Unhappy That Actual Human Is Not In Fact Construct Of Digital Character, Express Displeasure
Look, I know you think that the HVAC system is an IT issue because it uses electricity, but this is a Facilities issue. Please stop submitting tickets for this.
You just going to ignore the fact that people spent thousands of hours making the game? Pretty sure that’s worth $10-15.
You’re right, a picture of a trophy for a decade old game is with $10-15 bucks easy.
Something similar happened to a good friend of mine.
Manager: “Did you get their order right this time?”
When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!
If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.
As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.
My father always told me that if I worked hard early in life, I could play later. I didn't listen to him and I made a lot of really dumb choices in my late teens, into mid-20's. So at one point ,there was a critical need. I had outrageous credit card debt, which is all gone now, but I'm still feeling the effects .…
I'm fairly certain you can just go in and buy them without the happy meals. However, if you do go in and say "Here is some money. Give me your tiny coloured equines" please post and let us know how well they understood
Not being a real review doesn't make it any less helpful.
You handled that crazy with a lot of class, and probably good judgement considering his behavior.
But if your life was a scene in a kickass movie it would have gone like this:
Ahole12: "Okay, I'll bite. Name me one thing, just ONE THING you would know about Zelda that you couldn't have learned from the back of a box."