
Yeah, that might be more impressive if final fantasys quality had not been dead for a decade at this point..

To be honest, after dragon age 2, mass effect 3 and swtor in a row im surprised how many people still have faith in a good story from bioware. Dont get me wong they can make fun games, but the stories are always the level of fan fiction.

I loved the first two for crazy weapons, art direction, setting and an enemy you want to know more about.

Not at all.

Really? a final fantasy with a job system and it took this long for the Geomancers?

after putting over £120 into the franchise because i wanted more of what i loved at the start i feel i can at least give a 'meh' or not on the reaction to my purchase, crazy idea i know.

At this point i truly do not even care anymore. They started multiple series i loved and turned them to shit. Just like with square and final fantasy. So no thanks too late, and the fact they caved anyway after all the "entitlement" bollocks they spewed so venomously makes it so cheap it would be hard to consider it

"crowd funded documentary"? i thought she was just asking for money to vlog and things like this take this piss out of it?

it was origionally, but it essentially broke pvp battlegrounds. just one guy with a bad mood and a need to troll telling the other faction exactly what they had on the way and how to counter it and so on.

Yeah, see, one could also argue these are all recycles of previous games ideas with a more 'western' filter.

not sure if self referential ironic satire...

yeah... thanks and all that apple, but my macs had steam on it for a while now so....yeah......

eeh, this is a weird one. at first i felt bad for them but after the whole "threaten mass suicide - get stuff - then do it again for more stuff" it just feels like a clusterfuck of agendas at this point. its like this situation is fucked from every angle.

well it would be nice to see other humans in game other than a door thats GOTTA GET SUM OLE' FASHUN COLAAA for once.

little guady for my tastes, ill stick with black.

yknow what? i was totally not caring about this. I expected like odst and reach yet another rehash of the halo 3 frame. Updating a game without innovating.


fuck. yes. I love quantic dream and have been eager for this news since their last tech demo.

well now i know what my hack and slash games gonna be since dmc looks shite and theres no bayonetta sequel on the way.

true enough. People Bitching online is utterly dismissible since it is an inevitability. If you are truly upset by something you vote with your wallet. Already paid for it? then you no longer exist and are therefore irrelevant to the developer till the time to 'get hype' about the sequel rolls around.