
At this point online review scores are a joke.

and one larger gentlemen died of a heart attack from sitting and playing it too long.

while i dont think it makes for a movie at all i cannot imagine anyone but Guilliermo Del Toro having the chops for this one.

july. even with them padding sub numbers from people locked in for 6 months who arent playing and another free month the last peak time cencus had an average of 82,000 players online across all servers each day.

yeesssh, bet they arent going to love all those matching swtor tattoos they got now huh?...

kinda really want husks added into minecraft, if only for dat shamble.

okay, what the hell does the U even mean?

considering said comment alone is ban worthy on the bioware forums id say its nothing more than wanting yes men to fuel a dev with no creativity left.

after 3 stinkers in a row you would think they would learn "listening to the fans" equates to 'shitting out masturbatory content' at this point.

You are in luck! its called the dslite and has been out for a few years now.

normally i would agree, but its always been action heavy and its more player engaging in the long run to see and interact with human enemies than just run from their dues ex helicopter machine gun sequences or watch them exist only to get pulled into airvents or something.

"this..sounds like an action game!"

ditto. bioware in particular needs to go back to being creative instead of being a fan service vector for their legion of yes men on their forums.

3 months with an obscene cash shop.

biowares over zealous brand loyalty fanbase did certainly, this has them full on rabid.

its a loss of 6 million dollars every 4 weeks in revenue rom continued subscriptions lost.

so basically minecraft then.

erm, wow, this is awkward.

generic fantasy online: forget all you thought you knew about elder scrolls! (because we are ignoring it all anyway)

nope thats whats happening, slow, but its happening.