
everytime i go to complain theres not enough games on the mac i look at the steam icon on my desktop bar and think back to how bad mac users had it a decade ago and decide its better to keep quiet and load up left 4 dead or the witcher or something and be happy with what i have.

people said the same about the apps in the itunes store when it came out. then the 'well its only 99 cents' mentality reared its head. you never know man, you never know.

long as i can sell some loot to rubes who pay for my wow sub as long as that game hold me im coo'

So if its not different whats the point? they already have books in the current universe that arent properly 'canon' involving these characters.

thats exactly what i thought. the times were changing and they used the final playstation game to write a love letter to what saved the company way back when and make some story book fantasy that returned to the series roots.

True enough.

i'd say Uematsus job on 9 was the last truly excellent one. things like not alone and over that hill have that same resonating familiarity over a decade after first hearing them as much as Aeriths theme or the very creepy to this day 'trail of blood' theme from 7.

It must be nice to still think square will return to its roots of making stellar games, both technically and entertainment wise. but a decade has passed with nothing but steady decline so i really cant see it happening.

Thats the point though. just to generate interest in its audience to investigate the ip the ad is selling themselves. It gives the audience more of a sense of consciously choosing the purchase rather than caving to hype' Said hype follows after this point when said audience argue about it on internet forums. naturally.

that was exactly what i said as i saw this article.

kinda 'eh' on the game, being i didnt play the first two and wasnt that hot on torchlight. but im getting it free for being subbed to wow so maybe the lack of paying for it is why im less than enthused, but god DAMN thats some stellar cgi.

I got it cheap a while back and as a controller its sound. it does everything in a game like resident evil 5 that the wiimote did in resi 4 but just smoother and more responsive. It made heavy rain a far more enjoyable experience.

the first had a few gamestop, DC and wildstorm comics adds but nothing else i can recall.

It's more than one game dude. Squaresoft was a company whos name went hand in hand with gaming excellence. They took consoles and pushed them in ways no other company did and a title from them was expected to be ground breaking.

knowing the way he works im gonna call clock tower style serial killers. just to throw everyone for a loop.

id make a quip about rats and a sinking ship, but maybe ghost ship is more apt, the 'ff7 is the best evar, lol ive never played it' weeaboo crowd put even bioware fans zealous nature to shame in terms of blind brand loyalty so as long as they crap out more stuff that takes the piss out of final fantasy's once stellar

"what unexpected game is capcom teasing now"?

waiting for the inevitable art of this tyrion with the cast of skullgirls. its only a matter of time wether we want it or not.