
now they just approach Michael Bay on their knees and kiss his ring and hope they get a blessing for their next explosive venture.

uh huh.

kind of went out the window with steam for Mac didn't it?

i've been saying for years with the way they have been going apples going to make a console- which lets face it, mac have always kind of had some similarities with them pcs dont in terms of 'you get whats in the box and thats it' and since steam came out on the mac and game and gamestation added 'mac games' sections


Most visibly affected i got was during the final bit of the snowy portion and i was going "come on.. come on..." not out of 'gamrrage' desperation but because i wanted my journeyman to keep pushing ahead.

I love how people will read threads about how the next halo or call of duty will 'change everything for ever' and scream that its time to "GET HYPE", but when an indie dev says with remote confidence something akin to 'gaming needs to be more varied' the same people get out the pitchforks and start the 'pretentious

Maybe aliens?

When exactly did a 80's cartoon super villain start making the marketing choices for capcom?

that fucking tingle....

fallout 3 is noticeably improved by turning the music off in the options and just listening to the world. which is funny because most rpgs are enhanced by the soundtrack, only fallout seems to suffer from it.

never played dragon age 2? for me this was the 'giving them a chance' game after that train wreck. because surely they couldnt pull the same ending for 2 game releases in row.

normally thats true. but this was the final chapter- till they start something new for the franchise. this was the end, the whole package done and dusted. past that its done.

i had 22 hours of fun with a dumb story and a even sillier ending. thats it. bioware dont write good stories. they never have done. good characters to be sure. but not good stories. they are human and as such not perfect. the ending blew. it blew hard. but life will go on. just do with them what i did with square enix

i find the indoctrination theory ironic. The bioware fans, known for some of the most hardcore blind zealotry for a western developer, are so indoctrinated to believe bioware simply couldnt have dropped the ball again like dragon age 2 and must convince themselves the plot holes are actually some super secret ultra

strong men also cry mr lebowski.

whilst lack of a boss didnt bother me, just what the hell happened to harbinger? the rannoch reaper made it seem like he had a vendetta with sheppard for foiling his collector thing and then nothing.

man, we riding this train all the way into creepytown....

*mcbain voice activate*

nope you are right he is no longer the main composer for the franchise.