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the man is a goddamn legend, the only dude i consider outclassing akira yamoaka in terms of videogame soundtracks. his stuff is simply superb.

It feels like only months ago kickstarter was a fantastic way a single indie dev, or very small team working on a game in their free time, could seek funding for a game the only way they could.

ah, to be young.

Matt, you can't hide that spaghetti pockets voice.

anytime kotaku posts something remotely connected to the best friends is a good day.

brave? he is mad!

i would argue its more like the extremities of the furry 'lifestye'.

rule of the internet clique dude, the self enabling zealous circlejerk.

setting aside that in a better world than this only a 6 year old girl would want one, sky blue is a horrible colour for a console. the plxiglass thing is neat, but an xbox360 isnt really something id want to add extra crap in to begin with. props for effort i suppose.

oh lord, someone out weeabood magicalpokky usagi. the classic 'insertculture-ophile' that go beyond homage to racism that youtube and sites like gaiaonline gave rise too.

plagarism form China? pff, say it isnt so!'re alright.

and this is why i say resident evil has been dead for years. its a damn shame others like fatal frame arent as big as a series that was pretty damn ridiculous at the start.

truly the hero vidya deserves.

you aint alone, the rest of the content in mists looks shit hot, the female panda? yeah....

god the male panda in that image has the creepiest thousand yard stare.

gamestop owns GAME and gamestation.

high streets are the streets we have on pillars high above the roads for people to get to the zeppelins on.

"tell us where to go next" yeah because that went so well with mass effect 3: all fanservice all the time....

tl:dr why you should never trust reviews online.