
Yeah, bugger this nonsense.

Finally its okay to admit it?!?

eugh, no thank you. Thats being a pebble crashing into an unstoppable wave of the seagull catterwalling yes men of the "TRUE FAN" variety that lowered biowares need to produce top grade content to begin with.

how to surmise the problem without a lengthy series of paragraphs:

tried the first, terrible gameplay, awful writing and so much butt cleavage even a straight man in his late teens at the time had to say 'come on love, have a bit of self respect eh?'

They are riding mooses on the deck of a boat driven by peter molynuex and milo as gabe newell sings that russian song whilst shoveling copies of half life 3 by the hundreds into the propeller turning them into so many useless shards.

well it sucks but makes sense really, give the folks diablo 3 and its campaign and co-op and by the time the pvps done they know the classes enough that its not a bunch of headless chickens killed by one dude spamming "MORDEKAISER ES NUMERO UNO HUEHUEHUHEUHEUHEUE".

In terms of consoles compared to pc's id say thats par for the course though.

That and the complete lack of meat head bro down codmodwawodst: guys of conflicts of modern patriots games, if we are being honest.

Now who knows where videogamings prince of lies will striek next?

I dig you quantic dream, i really do. But i get the feeling that you could be the pixar for adults instead of the 'what the fuck happened to this plot tangent?' game dev.

he shall get halfway to the stage for the award then claim he must 'rest for a while' and have jeb carry him on his back to the podium.

I got burnt out on halos story a long time ago but this one has me interested. If only because its a sci fi shooter in that universe but its not 'super patriot heros never die noblest of teams sacrifice to fight the covenant to save everything forever hoo ra' bollocks again.

gabecube, gabestation gabentertainement system. if it doesnt have one of these names i will be disappointed.


"if you didnt get in yet nows your chance: yahoo!" -that is a bloody stupid blurb to use for the end of a trilogy if ever there was one.

I love his 'Francis videos', but the comments always give me a headache, no matter how many times its clearly stated that its satire people always get mad about some 'fat nerd shut in' because the joke goes way over their heads.

yes, traditionally exchanging currency for what is supposed to be a complete product does instill a sense of entitlement for said complete product to be delivered to you after said legal tender has been taken from you.

bioware dlc's are always story heavy. to sell a small portion of 3's total story as ay one dlc? thats a dick move even if its skippable content. if its ready day 1 it shouldn't be sold separately, a month later? sure. but day one?