

ugh... this means multiple a.i to nanny superb.

graywing +1

psp or psv, which has monster hunter right now?

id rather see airships final fantasy style.

...because biowares known for its stellar multiplayer pvp in its games?

the whole canada thing was based on co-ordinates for a map in a trailer i believe was called fake by capcom.

because they arent grorious children of yomato.

trailer for rec 2?

Heres the deal breaker for me: does it have connection to existing canon.

well put.

i hate to be blunt but we are talking about people being rude on the internet. there is no recompense for them so why would they ever stop?

Now playing

same here. i dont regret all the time i enjoyed in it, but now i just look at that icon and go '..eeh, i could be playing skyrim or something instead'.

and pretty much every other producer of the appliances that make your daily life so convenient. and clothes. and dvds and games. and on and on and on.

"Microsoft takes working conditions in the factories that manufacture its products very seriously."

tried it, unashamedly lazy design, done with the franchise.

one more reason to cement me not renewing my live sub now its run out and letting the damn thing rot.

I would say capcom over sega myself, they have made some bloody stupid marketing choices this generation, just look at things like cancelling megaman legends which ,whilst not my personal cup of tea, was very highly anticipated by gamers on almost every big name site on the web all singing its praises.

dragon age 2 killed all bioware love for me. It was reprehensibly bad. All the trailer stuff had nothing to do with it. the finale showed up out of nowhere and your options were 'kill one group, or the other or say no to genocide'. i said no and what happened? it said no and forced me to pick one option - which them

but its dedicated to playing games, thats why you bought it.