
you forget the point of handhelds were to be a more casual experience to begin with.

You still have faith in capcom?

I'll say behind. Smart phones are progressing at a much faster technology rate, in greater number and in far and ahead greater usage.

sopa has never been about piracy, thats the scare tactic used to push it. its about control. so nothing like occupy wall street could ever reach the levels the recent egyptian uprising did. They are scared and want an effective 'kill switch' they can have for sites used to coordinate these things. One more way to

just wait, 5 years and americans are all behind a digital iron curtain using the id number requiring "PATRIOTWEB" to access something akin to aol imagboards in the 1990's were wondering out loud what happened to that thing called 'the world wide web' every other country bar china, north korea and iran uses gets a

Sorry, you can whore out terms like 'chocobo' and 'firaga' till the sun burns out but Final Fantasy is dead and gone. These terrible lite-rpgs made in the same name today are just a discredit to the name of a franchise once associated with the very best of console limit pushing, truly epic, games that people qued

im having flashbacks to 'all i want for christmas is a psp".

and thats why notch 'must rest for a while'.

Way back when wind waker came out on the gamecube miyamoto said something like "Whenever ganon is born and the world will need him again link will be reborn shortly after" i think in response to "why is ganon always the older than link and never the same age to be more of a rival", still seems to explain it.

viacom are assholes, they are bringing down any video even tangentially related to them.

we said similar stuff when people started to push the limits of the gamecube and ps2. every gen is always 'the best it can be'.

that and jim raynor.

i think 4 updates is being kind.

so minecrafts now in the hands of a guy who doesnt have to take a weekend in vegas for every 2 bug fixes. nice.

OR, and i know this is absolutely bananas, maybe figure out how to make the game not break so you cant finish the actual main story BEFORE shipping it.

I still need to get the rest of the books. i read the first and enjoyed it- if some of the dracula references were paper thin.

ah the modern 'genre burlesque', where woman not quite attractive to be strippers claim to be artists as they dress in such highbrow geekbait costumes as a black thong and a darth vader helmetand call it burlesque when 20 years ago it would be 'wow that stripper is drruuuuunk!.

Selvaria bles - valkyria chronicles.

KOTAKU: trolled hard.

gonna be honest, don't give a shit. Just give me mists of pandaria already. I want a new continent with a unique flavour to adventure in. one final patch of PAAAAAAIN, AGGOONNNNNY has already weared too bloody thin. It was a mediocre expansion boss a year ago. even more so now.