
the dude who player the operative form serenity?

okay. i enjoyed the game. but this is officially when adapting games for novels got ridiculous. its got less plot than torchlight!

my version: january jones ruined the hellfire club in the movie, so i hope she doesnt come back in the sequel.


poor kids gonna get hell in middle school

you know i09 will only like stuff tangentially involved with joss whedon or summer glau, sheeeiyt son, get it together.

tried it, tried to like it, stopped watching, damn sure if stargate universe got canned this aint gonna fare better.

sounds like a woman after a roll in a grimdark porno. Kind of looks and sounds the part too. Gotta be more than nerdbait to be in a major role in a big name fantasy franchise.

the reasons it ''could be good' also sound like the reasons why every failed american sci fi show in the last 5 years has run for a season then got shit canned. I will stick to the bbc television show thats done a good job for half a century, not an a group trying to fill the potterless franchise milking young adult

'island' goddamn auto correct on my damn phone. as ALAN rises through the darkness.

well this ones not coming out the same day as red dead redemption and will be advertised on the xbox marketplace blades so id say its got a better jumping off point than the first game did.

I think its a sort of quantum leap jobby. As island rises through the darkness for 'return' in season 2 he's sort of playing the part in his least appreciated piece of writing. As his own character in his own night falls episode he wrote.

Clever girl....

Dragon age 2 wasn't a bad game. But it was certainly a bad RPG.

this sounds like we are all simpletons with hands wrapped in bubblewrap. Last i checked the qwerty layout on my iphone isnt any different than my actual computer keyboard. If you cant do it without looking at it then either you need more practise or its just a personal problem.

yeah, but what miike describes as comedy aint remotely close to what a normal person would y'know?

they dont surprise me, biowares been going downhill with their past few games. its like square enix, you're going to have brand loyalty folks sticking with the games because the earlier ones of the same name were excellent. However a names just a name, the games themselves have gotten noticeably crappier with each

my bad.

i think there was a lot of lost potential for this episode. two things in particular were bugging me.

yeah the shifters from a third universe has been my thinking this season as well.