pfft, everyone knows green is where its at.
pfft, everyone knows green is where its at.
be neat if they were releasing 'season 2' as actual weekly instalments or something. getting a "previously on alan wake" showing you what you immediately did seconds ago sort of felt like a waste of time.
Stephen King decreed it, and so it must be done.
I'm sorry, long time survival horror enthusiast here who will play any tripe in the genre, i cannot think of a single horror game where a weaker escort character has done anything but made the experience less enjoyable.
aint gonna lie, thought is was a drag tribute of lilly allen doing a lady gaga tribute.
'silly' is all i can drum up to describe that. I thought the leather, guns and slow mo idea was left to parody and really bad c list action films since the turn of the century.
not familiar with the 'troll logic/science' meme im guessing?
>make it turn a corner.
saw the image and thought one of the best games of the last 5 years was getting a sequel.
dateline 2011! kotakus hard hitting journalists aghast at comment made by typical gaming neckbeard half a decade ago! what does this mean for gaming at large!
So it turns out female dazzler is actually rule 63 ultimate warrior the whole time.
I think its japanese for darkness or something. Weeaboo nethandle maybe?
how many panda tanks will have flying kick macro'd to /yell that every pull?
and THATS why the probe was found!
the twist is this is our earth, they are all dinosaurs in human form from another world.
all very interesting, but still the big problem is this: We already know everything we need to know about what happened. It doesnt need a movie.
yep, foreshadowed with the "we should prepare our own food and only eat from cans" scene that, aside from this which is up for debate, was never touched on again.
wait, 'Rani'?
this doesnt sound so much that they were hacked but someone has the list from ny number of the last years gaming sites that got hacked and they are trying to strike it lucky.