
geekbait over substance.

I'm gonna guess its a starship troopers inspired mortar bug. some bio seige tank, digging into the ground with its front claws and firing some organic ballistics out its giant back portion.

unless its an unusual form of enjoyable torture i would assume this step in the process was a given.

how about focus less on the resident evil and more on the biohazard?

Uh, no. no it isn't. the matrix sequels can be ignored and forgotten. Darth vader is now forever a tiny bowl cut child crying "NOW THIS IS PODRACING!"

interesting but what do you do? watch videos then take a test and get a certificate online or something? or just say 'ive watched some youtube videos that, like, totally expanded my mind bro".

right from the description of this show i am getting the exact same vibe as falling skies; 7 or 8 freak of the week episodes then they reveal theres a big bad to set up season 2.

they could have kept it in the resort if it was pure survival without the generic "console game in the 90's" plot, they could have used out the monsoon that was on the way to have much more environment dangers like hard rain in left 4 dead.

how about- bear with me here, im gonna get a little out there- but how about they make good games again?

for me it felt like they ran out of steam as it went on. it started as this beautiful world juxtaposed with this horrific violent viral outbreak, then to a city that was creepy in its own way- but by then you start to get tired of melee, and wise that you only really need to kill infecteds and everything else is so

i know a lot of folks scream pendulum war prequel, but im gonna bet good money on an ODST style "whilst delta squad was deploying the lightmass bomb beta squad was investigating something strange at an imulsion plant..." or something like that.

Sooo.... Jor-el was an inquisitor for the council of terra in the 41st millenium.

Remember when preordering was to simply ensure you had a copy on launch day? not some twisted pied piper bran loyalty entrapment exercise?

if it was indeed his crib from the mid season finale she would have read his name off there. Being an archeologist in a time when man travels both time and space i imagine her of all people would be able to at least read galifreyan.

so after a year of bad press for sony they are remedying it with content extortion? I genuinely don't get there business model. Its like they want to shoot themselves in the foot by treating the consumer like shit in a bizarre emperors new clothes way they dont realise.

funding and constructed by the good folks at the Umbrella Corporation.

in some universe certainly.


washes death was joss whedons sacrifice to activate his sad button. It's his greatest flaw as a writer. when he cannot write a scene about female empowerment, snappy dialogue or his foot fetish and he needs to inject some sadness and desperation he always kills of the nerdy/mousy one.

i think gaming needs more prominent female devs to inject new ideas from different perspectives. Not geekbait known for acting one role- as themselves.