
you hear people say "so i was playing morrowind" or "so i was playing oblivion" you never heard someone say "so i was playin' some scrolls'-". its not a brand, its part of the name.

the term dead space had more than one meaning. it was a pun about a dead ship in space, but also the markers generate a 'dead space' around them like a field. thats what causes the hallucinations, craziness and cellular mutation to great the infection form necromorphs and enough chaos and murder to have a supply of


good performances, baaaaad writing. this felt like russel t davis on torchwood in that "every dramatic line has to be one followed by the eastenders cliffhanger noise" kind of way.

finally the only decent sci-fi show not burning down to cancellation is coming back!

-permanent death

Thats his son.

bit of a slow season, not nearly as good as season 3, but still better than all the meynad stuff from season 2.

that or the werewolf sam ram into is one of russels junkie pack thats still around working for him. maybe they just found out where he was?

eh, thats nothing.

sorry hellraiser, silent hill did you better without the leather fetish overtones. Also queen of blades wants her hair back.

bring back keaton. keep burton the hell away from it.

i think they should just be a new channel made by a compatitor, give it a name like the Sci-fi channel and have it show science fiction shows. 'siffy' and all its fat plumbers getting scared at temperature fluctations in the dark and wrasslin' is not the same channel that made such headway in the 90's.

Voice of reason: if, decades later, you are STILL paying for more of george lucas' "fixes" on the original trilogy and getting your nerdrage on you have nobody but yourself to blame.

they made the dr who universe boring. nuff said.

well then i woudnt recommend it for you at all. since id recommend demons souls metal gear 4 valkyria chronicles and heavy rain.

to be honest im more interested in load times and how it plays.

diehard silent hill fanboy here: please, for the love of whatever gods you believe in konami, let this series die with some semblance of dignity left.

i think people who like it will like it because 'its an mmo thats star wars!' but people who arent excited are thinking 'sure its star wars, but its an mmo'.

this is scandalous but duke dukem wasnt? not exactly showing males in a nice non stereotypical light was he?